Electronics Forum: using vision for a qfn on a 760 (Page 1 of 1)

QFN shape on Fuji Flexa for CP6

Electronics Forum | Mon May 31 11:04:06 EDT 2010 | aj

Hi Manuel, Do you not have a fine pitch placer?if not may be you need to slow down the placement speed on the QFN - I would imagine you would get a lot of fails trying to use the vision to pick up the component lands. We place thousands of QFNs and

QFN shape on Fuji Flexa for CP6

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 16:51:01 EDT 2010 | daxman

Hi Manuel, We've been placing QFN's with our CP6's for a long time now. We use vision type 10 just like you describe. I wouldn't bother with front lighting & trying to pick up the leads. Inspecting the leads doesn't provide better accuracy. I would

QFN shape on Fuji Flexa for CP6

Electronics Forum | Thu May 27 18:40:02 EDT 2010 | dcell_1t

Hi. I'm trying to develop a shape to place a QFN at a CP6, I'm using FujiFlexa. We have never had a shape for this particular component, we only draw as a rectangle and put a rectangle vision No (10 in this case) but we're scarifying accuracy. is th


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