Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 11:35:16 EDT 2011 | blnorman
I had read somewhere that parylene absorbs UV radiation, and therefore offers very low UV protection. So, yeah probably not a good idea. Plus since it's vapor deposited, unless there is no access to a surface, all surfaces are covered.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 09:01:32 EST 2006 | Chunks
Mercury vapors are pretty good. Also, if you can build n some day light diffusers for natural sun light to come in. It works pretty well. Use a diffuser as clear glass may cuase vision problem with equipment if under direct sun light. Been there.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 09:33:25 EST 2005 | davef
RoHS Substance||RoHS MCV Limits||Typical Testing Approaches Lead||1000 ppm* ||Wet chemical digestion followed by ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) or AAS (atomic absorption) spectroscopy ||||XRF (X-ray fluorescence) spectroscopy Cadmium||100 ppm ||Wet
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 09:04:38 EDT 2003 | Mike F
Do a search in the archives on conformal coating and silicone conformal coat. A variety of companies make conformal coatings and the equipment to apply it. Coatings can be applied by dipping the board into the coating, brushing it on, or spraying i
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 09:38:04 EDT 2001 | CAL
With some help from our good Friends at Agilent Technologies our RF Lab includes testing up to 100GHz. Equipment includes Vector network analyzer, signal analyzer, dual channel power meter, noise filter meter, advanced impedance analyzer (including
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 30 03:23:46 EST 1998 | Bob Willis
| | | | | I have been working on this process for a couple of weeks and I know that there are a few other companies in Europe and Japan who are also playing. | | | | | | | | | | Is there any one who has been running this process in production ? | |
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 30 09:09:42 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| | | | | | I have been working on this process for a couple of weeks and I know that there are a few other companies in Europe and Japan who are also playing. | | | | | | | | | | | | Is there any one who has been running this process in production
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