Electronics Forum: v3 engineering spore (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Marking Codes

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 03:10:19 EST 2000 | H.J.Zwier

Hi Robert, Try looking at www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/ This site contains a list of html files with all marking codes known at this moment. Your example of a transistor with marking code 8A can be a 3V3 zener diode or a npn general purpose transi

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 08:50:07 EST 2009 | jeffreyj

adlsmt - I do apply paste (Kester EP256) by hand to the boards now with 5 mil thick stainless steel stencils. A few of the parts almost always need rework, though, either because I didn't place them accurately or there's too much paste, or it got sme


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