Electronics Forum: vacuum pcb loader (Page 1 of 21)

SUNSDA Board loader

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 01 16:33:33 EDT 2010 | smellew

Mike, I don't know this loader, but if you link 3&4 locally on the downstream conveyor, this should make it request PCB from loader via 1 & 2 PCB should then unload.

vacuum reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 15:20:43 EDT 2021 | grahamcooper22

Hi, are there any component types that are not suitable for vacuum reflow ? I've had one customer use his vacuum vapour phase reflow system on a pcb, and on 10% of the hermetically sealed accelerometers devices. the lids have popped off... Thanks Gra

PCb vacuum seal puncture

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 12:05:19 EDT 2002 | yngwie

Experts, Today I received PCB in a punctured vacuum seal bag. the Humidity indicator change the colour to pink at 60%RH mark. The brd finish is Entek. Earlier our intention to get the board vacuum seal is because we want to ensure that the is no fr

PCb vacuum seal puncture

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 12:20:09 EDT 2002 | pjc

Reject the batch of boards. Take one board, dry it, then check for solderability. If its good, do the rest. If not.....? Contact the PWB vendor for reccomendations.

Flex pcb carrier / palett

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 02 16:18:22 EST 2012 | sarason

A few years back when I was working in a Hybrid company we used carriers machined from aircraft grade aluminum. Its easy to machine on a Mill doesn't bend so easy when mishandled.The thing to know is do your flex circuits sit flat when placed on the

Desiccants and pcb finish degradation?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 15 15:15:53 EDT 2001 | ohboy

Hi all, I just discovered this forum and I'm very impressed. We have a vendor who recently stopped placing desiccants in the vacuum packaging for our pcbs. (Yes, it's on the dwg!) His reasoning was that the desiccants can degrade the finish on the

How to reduce solder joint voids of LED without using vacuum reflow?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 30 09:33:15 EDT 2019 | emeto

Contributors in order of importance: 1. PCB design - if you have large thermal pads, a grid of via holes should be created. Components with low profile will not let the gas to escape from the joint. The only way is going down. 2. Reduce paste volum

How to reduce solder joint voids of LED without using vacuum reflow?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 18:31:08 EDT 2019 | jlawson

Solder paste flux is main contributor, Lead termination chemical-oxide by products and PCB Plating-Chemicals. Reflow profile would have very limited if not no impact really unless is way off. Paste volume control and Stencil design plays a big part

Contaminated PCB - fails on SPI

Electronics Forum | Thu May 21 03:09:36 EDT 2015 | dinhhuunam

Hi Pawel, Before Printer using Vacuum & Cleaning Loader have Cleanning unit - Removing dust with Roll brush -get rid of smallest dust with low noise and strong absorptiom -Removes static electricity with lionize My company SJ INNOTECH Product model

Large Bare Board Loader +22

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 04 13:00:54 EST 2016 | tombstonesmt

Any manufacturers offer an off the shelf vacuum type bare board loader that can handle boards 16"wide and 22"long? We're having issues with our de-stacker since these boards tend to come in warped.

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vacuum pcb loader searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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