Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 14 12:42:35 EST 2007 | SMTRework
I think the main cause of this condition is #3 because both #1 and #2 never change from board to board, these are identical boards with identical BGA revisions. These BGA's (as stated before) are about 3 years old.. I don't believe they are lead free
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 22:01:09 EST 2007 | davef
Joe: I know this is not the correct forum to post chip "reworking" questions. Reply: Rework questions are as appropriate as the next topic here on SMTnet J: BGA will not reflow at any normal temperature level. I believe these chips may have been gen
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 19:48:47 EDT 2010 | bootstrap
I like what you're doing. 20 years ago anyone, hobbyists and tiny garage-shop companies could create electronics devices just as sophisticated and cool as big corporations. Today, SMT has largely trashed the creativity (and competition) that existe
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 12:09:25 EDT 2012 | mikesewell
Our MY12 is having trouble picking both out of feeders and the TEX using the MIDAS head. The nozzle (spring or rigid) will go down and touch the part but won't pick it up. I get a Level too high error - the pick location isn't obstructed, part isn't
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 17 09:10:28 EDT 2012 | dontfeedphils
You can enter the service program for the MyData, can't remember exactly how, you have to exit out of tpsys to the command prompt and type service or something along those lines. Then you can check the raw numbers for vacuum and force on the Midas h
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 17 10:09:48 EDT 2012 | cyber_wolf
Phil is on the right track. Try this.... Go into the service program, and bring up the vacuum force indicators. Manually install a spring loaded tool into the Midas head. Once the tool is in the head, press on the tip of the nozzle with your finger.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 14:40:08 EDT 2017 | rgduval
We emailed off forum about this...and I'm wondering how things are progressing. As I noted in email, our issue was the nozzle change was resulting in too many nozzles being out of the same vacuum channel on the tool box. I can't remember how it was
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 04:02:09 EST 2019 | sarason
Is it that you have some solder paste blocking your line or the head ?
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 01:24:24 EST 2019 | mst3000
Thanks Ry-n. We will look into them.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 08:27:37 EST 2019 | mst3000
Hi there. We are facing an issue with the placing head of our SMT machine SIEMENS SIPLACE CF 2004 model where the vacuum reading is low (820 instead of 900). This is resulting in that the components are either falling off when the head moves onto the