Electronics Forum: vacuum tweezer (Page 1 of 2)

Looking for portable vacuum pick-up tweezers

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 18 02:34:55 EST 2005 | siverts

Thank You for the info, Dave. This forum must be the best on the planet, maybe in the whole Universe... Regards, siverts.

Looking for portable vacuum pick-up tweezers

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 15:07:33 EST 2005 | davef

Some of our troop use manual tweezers. Some use 'vacuum pens' things. Vacuum pens are manually operated, vacuum powered. Suppliers of the vacuum pens things are: * Lighter weight, lower strength ** PenVac [www.virtual-ii.com] ** Vampire ** Select

Looking for portable vacuum pick-up tweezers

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 03:35:07 EST 2005 | siverts

Good day everybody, I am looking for a number of portable vac-operated pick-up tools; to be used by operators, so they can pick QFP's/BGA's etc. out of matrix trays and also to put components back in the trays. It should be slim, ESD-safe and powere

Manual SMT equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 14:43:09 EST 2014 | sarason

I used to use a Festo branded Hand placement machine to rework boards. All I can say is don't waste the cash. A vacuum tweezer system and a well laid out tray stuck to the bench was at least twce as fast as the Festo. The reason is plainly obvious yo

Manual SMT equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 05:02:27 EST 2014 | sarason

When I was a younger man with a younger mans eyes it was easy to outplace a hand placement machine. Good hand eye co-ordination is all that is required now I would find it easier to use the machine , but my fine motor skills are still just as good. A

Manual SMT equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 04 10:46:42 EST 2014 | spoiltforchoice

I have no idea what your Festo looked like. But the ability to move a component freely in xyz and rotate it is what you get from a typical manual placement station. You don't get that with tweezers or vacuum pickup pens. I've seen people make all so

Integration of manual odd form / low volume pick and place

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 19 11:13:18 EDT 2002 | ksfacinelli

I would like to understand what different options people are using to place low volume / odd form parts. I am very familiar with the tweezers / vacuum pen method however this can be less than desirable. I am looking into a manual pick and place to

Re: Naw Tweezers Rule!!!

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 08:26:59 EST 1999 | Dave F

| Clarissa, | | We place the parts using two different methods. One is using a Fritsch semi automated pick and place. The other is using a vacuum pen. One of the assemblers said if she just had to choose one, she would pick the vacuum pen. I kn

Re: Makin That Drat Documentation

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 08:19:50 EST 1999 | Dave F

| Clarissa, | | Dave had good suggestions. We load several boards manual at this time. We set our components up in clearly marked bins. The documentation includes a chart with the part number, bin number, reference designator and color code for t

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 14:33:02 EST 2011 | olddog

Thanks again Bobpan for all of your help. I hope some of my questions are dumb ones. Regarding "first", the QA error 0, you were right. In checking the setup, for some reason theta was 65227 instead of the 0 that I thought I had set. Regarding "sec

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