Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 16:34:23 EDT 2013 | hegemon
Preheating is critical in Vapor Phase Soldering. One trick that is done is to use the "soft vapor" area just above the soldering vapor, some machines can pause just before going into the soldering vapor. Using that pause above the vapor to continue
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 22 15:36:03 EST 2005 | CC
In general two step temperature reflow process requires minimum 40 deg C delta to be sucessful. We are not using vapor phase soldering but we have similar situation when we change to SAC lead free solder for PCB component population and secondary swe
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 22 12:05:37 EST 2005 | Tony
Currently we are using a 2 step vapor soldering process to manufacture our std. lead soldered parts. The first step was done with a ls240 vapor fluid and the second was done with a ls200 fluid. Using a 221 deg C sn95/Ag5 solder for the first step a
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 12 15:56:13 EDT 2013 | pjchonis
Vapor phase soldering systems by Asscon are characterized by special designed heating modules. The thermal mass of the heating modules is designed so that a completely delay-less and direct regulation of the heat/flow/energy transfer to the soldering
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 14:29:27 EDT 2013 | isd_jwendell
You wouldn't have a very good profile if you went straight from room temp to vapor temp (_-). The chamber should preheat the board before using vapor to melt the solder.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 15:30:22 EDT 1999 | SMTASSY
Perhaps a little hard to find but is there anyone who uses a vapor phase process to solder populated card with BGAs. I am interested in the success rate of such a process. It is obvious that the throughput is reduce vs a convection oven but still thi
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 19 05:12:21 EST 1999 | Graham Naisbitt
Steve, If you can get me your snail-mail address, I will send you some latest information. We actually have a totally new system called Delta 5. It is Condensation Soldering rather than Vapour phase, the difference being that we solder in an air ti
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 11:11:18 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko
| Perhaps a little hard to find but is there anyone who uses a vapor phase process to solder populated card with BGAs. I am interested in the success rate of such a process. It is obvious that the throughput is reduce vs a convection oven but still t
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 30 08:51:44 EST 2007 | Machinebuilder
I am in the mid-Atlantic US. I need to solder PCB's to a large copper heatsink. Does anyone know of local (or not so local) ECM's with vapor phase capabilities? How about induction? Thanks!
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 12:37:15 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko
| | | | | Hi, SMTASSY | | | | that�s what we do, soldering our double-sided-finepitch-BGA-and all-the-other-stuff-boards in vapourphase because it�s the only thing we have. | | First, we do not do real series produktion, only prototyping up to som