Electronics Forum: vawe solder parameters (Page 1 of 49)

Solder Pastes Inspection parameters

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 20 20:57:26 EST 2023 | hi_fonsi

We have a PARMI SigmaX SPI (Solder Paste Inspection) machine, right now I'm trying to understand about parameters of the machine. I know minimus, Maximus, and warning values need to be defined. Height value understands that can be defined by the thic

Solder Pastes Inspection parameters

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 12:11:31 EDT 2023 | wippsen

Hi there, if there is insufficient Volume you may optimize the design of your stencil. Its not the goal to decrease the tolerances. Take the PCB and take a look at the printing Shapes with microscope or use the zoom in 3D Function. If there is too l

Profile control parameters

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 20 22:39:46 EST 2003 | davef

Hi Stevo, Most paste suppliers say something like, �above 183*C for 45 to 60 seconds.� The problem we have with statements like that is that they seem to assume that the pads, component leads, and solder paste are all near eutectic 60/40 solder. A

Solder Pastes Inspection parameters

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 19 10:18:17 EDT 2023 | majdi4

Hello Luis , see the attached photo ( and it is applicable for stencils 100µm thick )

Profile control parameters

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 21 11:03:15 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi You already received good answers. A thing to remember is the components and the PCB. How high you go above 63/37's 183C should be limited to create a good solder joint. Too long creates problems since the components and the PCB start to be he

Srceen Printing control parameters

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 05:06:12 EDT 1999 | FMung

Hello, Can any netters suggest what critical parameters should be considered & what are there assoicated impacts for a solder paste printing process ... B.Regards, Felix

LGA stencil parameters

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 17:06:31 EST 2008 | realchunks

Depends on your board? What finish? Solder mask between all pads? What pitch is the part? Will it machine placed? Don't forget proper profiling as well. 1:1 with machine placement should yield no issues.

Adhesive printing parameters

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 13:25:38 EST 2008 | evtimov

I am printing on DEKs and using simulara paramateres as for a solder it works really fine. In general going faster gives you more paste/glue. Less pressure gives you more paste/glue again. All the rest depends on your current board. Regards, Emil

LGA stencil parameters

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 11:28:46 EST 2008 | clampron

Good Morning, I have an application that we are tooling up for that has several LGA (Land Grid Array) components. The Gerber files from the customer has a solder paste definition of 1:1 to the pad. As I look at this part, I cannot believe that this

Adhesive printing parameters

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 09:55:10 EST 2008 | jorge_quijano

Hi to everyone, I will be runnig product with adhesive with a MPM UP2K, I'll use a 0.020" stepped stencil & metal blades. Is it better to use high speed for print head travel? more/less squeegee force than with solder? slow snap off? what could you r

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