Electronics Forum: vi technology vi 5000 (Page 1 of 5)

Vi-TEchnology Vi-5000

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 16 02:48:08 EDT 2016 | ermani9

Hi, Can any body help me in calibration and programming of AOI machine Vi-5000?

Vi-TEchnology Vi-5000

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 10:36:22 EDT 2016 | ilavu

Where are you located? I have calibration kit and some programming experience too.

Vi-TEchnology Vi-5000

Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 00:06:03 EDT 2016 | ermani9

Hi.. Russ, Thanks. I will call you but what time is OK with you? We are in India.

Vi-TEchnology Vi-5000

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 14:01:26 EDT 2016 | russwa

Hello Ermani, I am the support manager for ViTECHNOLOGY in the Americas and we can provide you any assistance you may need. Give me a call in our office at 972-235-1170 so that we can discuss your specific needs. Russ Warncke

Vi-TEchnology Vi-5000

Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 00:03:30 EDT 2016 | ermani9

Hi.. Tushar, We are located in Chandigarh (India). We have our calibration kit too. Even performed Calibration also. But could not proceed for programming. Tried a lot but failing..

Vi-TEchnology Vi-5000

Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 09:04:29 EDT 2016 | russwa

Hello Ermani, For support in India it is best you contact the regional support team. They can be reached at support.asia@vitechnology.com or +65 6747 6550. Thanks, Russ

does any one know if you must register a ViTech 5000 AOI machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 17 16:59:23 EDT 2011 | rway

You can always go to the source. http://www.vitechnology.com/

does any one know if you must register a ViTech 5000 AOI machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 23:29:52 EDT 2011 | vms

Any input on this machine good or bad would be help ful, thanks

does any one know if you must register a ViTech 5000 AOI machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 07:47:28 EDT 2011 | edmaya33

Any input on this machine good or bad would be > help ful, thanks This is a Good machine. 5K AOI Perform machine is easy to program and had a built in inline defect viewer. Low false failure/call compare to other platform. Able to detect skew, bri

AOI --Vi5000 Vi Technology

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 17:02:06 EDT 2013 | pkd16

hi wondering if any one can help me with my Vi-5000 AOI machine setup. Its Supervisor(software)communication issue.will really appreciate any help i get. Thanks

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