Electronics Forum: via wont take solder (Page 1 of 24)

via hole plugging

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 11:50:32 EDT 1999 | Chris Nuttall

We care currently running into problems during our plug via process: At the moment we plug prior to soldermask (LPISM) using epoxy resin - plugging takes place from the component side - however we are seeing solderballs after solder level.This is cau

Re: via hole plugging

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 13:13:20 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| We care currently running into problems during our plug via process: | At the moment we plug prior to soldermask (LPISM) using epoxy resin - plugging takes place from the component side - however we are seeing solderballs after solder level.This is

Re: via hole plugging

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 07:53:55 EDT 1999 | Chris Nuttall

| | We care currently running into problems during our plug via process: | | At the moment we plug prior to soldermask (LPISM) using epoxy resin - plugging takes place from the component side - however we are seeing solderballs after solder level.Thi

Re: HELP!! via sizes, location

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 04:23:09 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | I am a new employee at a company that has had a large turnover of employees over the past year. I am working on a board (components on one side only), the engineer (he is also new ) wants to use an .035 pad with a .021 dia. hole, there are no via

solder pop out from via hole at secondary reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 08 14:41:17 EDT 2002 | davef

See what happens when you take a couple of days off? Your theory sounds reasonable, but someone else could make an equally valid case that you are blasting your solder plug across the room with the force of the expansion of entapped air between th

Solder flow thru via on pad

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 20:33:34 EDT 2001 | davef

Assuming you're seeing this during wave solder, the via acts like a heat pipe conducting 450�F [or whatever] air to your solder balls. Check the fine SMTnet Archives for similar threads and perspective on the direction to take.

via under a smd pad ?

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 24 15:44:28 EST 2007 | mika

Hi DaveF, I had a short look into the Nr1. IMPACT OF MICROVIA-IN-PAD DESIGN ON VOID FORMATION Most interesting reading, but one thing though, I could not find any information about the oven profile. Just a picture of it. My question is of about the

solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 11 09:51:56 EST 2009 | dyoungquist

I won't say never but very rarely do we have problems with the flux seperating. The way we get around the 1-2 hour warmup time is this: The day before we run a particular job, the last person takes out the paste needed from the fridge as the last t

Re: Wave solder Carrier

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 01 10:03:42 EST 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Adam, if your product needs the full width of your wave you won�t have any chance to adjust an angle. For smaller PCB�s you might consider having your carriers made in two pieces. One outer piece to match your transportionsystem and one inner cir

voids in solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 02 08:52:20 EST 2001 | markkrmp

Are your voids looking like blow holes also? Is this only occurring on the solder joints of the Thru Hole components and Via's? Or does this happen on SMD pads? My experience is that we have seen this but only with some of our older PCB's which are

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