Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 17:25:10 EDT 2010 | mabdalla
Hi, I have a VIOS file containing mounting and feeder information. I need to interprete this file so as to be able to verify and extract some data. Will really appreciate if anyone could suggest some document or some information that can help me u
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 11:07:58 EST 2007 | eeltec
I start programing 2 Assembleon 10 years' old Comet machines that my company owns and I will like to know what does each number on the VIOS file means so I can manipulate the VIOS file information directly. Does anyone have information on VIOS files?
Electronics Forum | Sun May 26 20:59:32 EDT 2019 | sarason
Isn't the txt extension file a VIOS file? sarason
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 00:43:08 EDT 2017 | mrpackethead
Thanks. we've got this problem solved. In fact we wrote our own scripts to convert our PNP data into Yamaha VIOS files direclty.. Its exactly what we want for our setup..
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 20:22:20 EDT 2022 | kumarb
then would crash everytime. Not to give up, started to experiment with the markers inside the vios text file. The hack was to remove the MARK fields inside the file. After this, saw the component layout in the GUI PCB view with proper references. S
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 20 14:45:04 EDT 2008 | altonc
Does anyone know how to open this program without hardware key or any software can convert VIOS text to VIOS file for Philips X series
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 17:16:24 EST 2010 | jlawson
If you have trouble also you can check out Valors vPlan, i have it running Yamaha YV100Xxg machines - they support Assembleon versions too. Can generate VIOS files from ALtium Input - either CAD DB files or ODB++ as Altium Designer supports this now.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 20 20:28:04 EST 2012 | acsscott
Have you done any more work on this? I have a program that reads the Altium files, a feeder database,and makes a UFOS file for the older CSM machines. I can't get the UFOS to VIOS convertor on our Topaz X to read the UFOS *.BRD files. It stops and
Electronics Forum | Wed May 22 06:05:28 EDT 2019 | sarason
UFOS is a much earlier format which has very truncated details over VIOS , so as an intermediate going from later formats such as the versions of VIOS you are suggesting, is probably not the best, or more succintly it sucks. Send me a copy of your in
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 01 16:39:58 EST 2011 | leppy
I have a VIOS file that we generated from an ftip file using PPS. I load that file into the AMS software to do optimization and feeder distributing. I have a few things that I need to do to every workorder that I create but they are fiddly to do