Electronics Forum: vision hex error topaz x 2 (Page 1 of 3)

CSM Philips v60 - problem with vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 00:42:02 EDT 2013 | felo188

Hello everyone! I have problem with using vision in csm v60. Below describe: 1. Machine's third head takes one IC from tray 2. Goes to vision and take picture and moves IC 3. Goes to pick and place 4. When nozzle wants to place IC on board the

Topaz X error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 20:15:36 EST 2019 | aldrich17

They all rotate on the same belt but, 2 per head on heads 2, 4, 6, and 8. Placed on the front and back. Held by a bracket with 2 screws. But no matter how tight I set the screws upon adjustment they still get out of whack.

DEK 265GS - Vision hardware error

Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 12:27:19 EDT 2019 | weglimir

Hello I have problem with card: VPM-5238D - Namely when printer starts, and DEK program initializes, it hangs for a while on "Downloading vision system" and then following error appears: "Vision Hardware Error - FATAL ERROR - REINITALIZE MACHINE" "

FEEDER : X-Y out of range! Pick up by Head 2

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 25 17:27:45 EDT 2016 | victoriajon

Up and running smoothly this morning, but got the attached error when switching from a reel feeder to a tray of the same part. We are getting this error message during setup - any suggestions are welcome. I am available to answer any questions that

Yamaha Philips TOPAZ error code L007 OVER Current

Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 18:12:30 EDT 2015 | raynewing

I have 2x machines which display this error code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Topaz X large component sequencer pick causes outside soft limit error

Electronics Forum | Wed May 13 12:39:25 EDT 2015 | arbpkevin

Ahh, yes. Just about the same time you replied someone else I asked said the same thing! I didn't realize that you had to put the part on by hand for the vision test. In the book it says to leave the feeder position set to the default setting. Fu

Topaz X large component sequencer pick causes outside soft limit error

Electronics Forum | Wed May 06 20:52:26 EDT 2015 | arbpkevin

I have been using my topaz X for about 4 years now and I feel that I am fairly knowledgeable about it, at least the functions of it that I use... I am trying to use the LCS to place some qfp chips on a new product and I have set the whole thing up t

Topaz-X "DOWNLOAD VISION ERROR" and "L057 ...)

Electronics Forum | Wed May 08 10:21:05 EDT 2019 | compit

During the start the error "DOWNLOAD VISION ERROR" - instead of "OK" is "NG". - resolved - video card died. But I still have a motor overload error Y1 (L057:CUR.DEV ... Y1 error) - what resistanc

Topaz-x >X axis motion problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 02:49:06 EST 2010 | bagindia

we are facing vision error problem after running the machine for half an hour.Cause is x-axis motor % is changing & also motion is little harder compared with Y-axis

Puzzling CSM84VZ errors, #118 and #120

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 08 21:56:23 EST 2011 | tpappano

Hi Jeff, both units have DC servos, and both appear to have the same vision system, although #2 has an additional upward-looking camera with a high magnification lens for die mounting. If I could make use of your hex files, that would be great sinc

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