Electronics Forum: vision vs laser (Page 1 of 20)

3D Vision vs 2D vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 09:56:52 EDT 2001 | Damian Holzmann

The obvious difference between 2D and 3D is that an accurate volumetric measurement can only be obtained with a 3D measuring system. Laser line measurement in 2D does not allow accurate volumetric measurement. If you modify the aperture in a stencil

3D Vision vs 2D vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 12 17:43:50 EDT 2001 | Steve

In order to understand your printing process, you cannot rely soley on 2D inspection. By implementing 3D-true volumetric measurement, a more comprehensive approach to correcting the process variation can be established. True volumetric / 3D inspect

Microflame vs laser soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 11:45:55 EST 2005 | chunks

If it's metal to metal, use the flame. Laser has a lot of quirks to it.

Microflame vs laser soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 08:24:48 EST 2005 | zanolli

Dear Technetters We have a unique soldering operation that needs automation and we will be evaluating various methods including laser reflow and Spirig�s Microflame. The actual soldering operation entails joing two metal contacts by depositing a sol

Microflame vs laser soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 10:40:10 EST 2005 | patrickbruneel

Jim, I don't have direct experience with the methods you mentioned but we have used induction heating in the past and is a very effective way to heat up metals quick. This method is also very easy to automate. I did a quick search as example http://

3D Vision vs 2D vision

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 09:47:39 EDT 2001 | vance66

Has anyone seen any reductions in printing defects due to the use of a Volumetric LSM? What are the pros and cons to Cyberoptics LSM 300?

3D Vision vs 2D vision

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 22:17:56 EDT 2001 | davef

So if we were disenchanted with the names you mentioned, what lean, mean, and hungry Japanese companies should we consider?

3D Vision vs 2D vision

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 17 17:15:39 EDT 2001 | vance66

On a related note...... I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with 3D inline solder paste inspection systems. I've read about all the features and what they are "supposed" to do. What are the real-world capabilities of these machines?

3D Vision vs 2D vision

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 23 01:35:00 EDT 2001 | mugen

the missing link, (dunno how or why it was missing) http: http://www.ckd.co.jp

3D Vision vs 2D vision

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 11 20:19:13 EDT 2001 | davef

Can�t comment on the Volumetric LSM [although a little voice makes me want to say: someone commented positively on it in an earlier thread. Check the fine SMTnet archives]. The 300 LSM is expensive and has a lousy gauge R&R, but other than that, it

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vision vs laser searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation
ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation

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Oxford, CT USA

Phone: +1 203 592 8723

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