Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 14:09:01 EST 2015 | davidgjessup
I am in need of a service manual for a Vitronics smr 500 reflow oven . If anyone has one that I COULD PURCHASE PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL TO DAVIDGJESSUP@AOL.COM OR TEXT TO 317-358-7406
Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 18:14:11 EDT 2005 | rtorres
Hello we are having a problem with an Unitherm 500 reflow oven from Vitronics. the conveyor is not responding to the system, the speed is out of control, it seems to be alerted. Does any one know what is going on. your help is greatly appreciated. Re
Electronics Forum | Fri May 13 18:17:33 EDT 2005 | pde
The encoder is a sealed encoder located on the down stream end of the oven. Call Vitronics / Soltec for tech support. There is a calibration procedure for adjusting the belt speed to compensate for loaded and un loaded conditions. Soltec can give you
Electronics Forum | Sat May 07 04:28:51 EDT 2005 | grayman
try checking the speed/conveyor driver,encoder,comunication I/O Board system and lastly the program. If the driver is at fault replaced it do not repair it. If software try to load it again but make back up.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 08:20:52 EDT 2005 | stepheniii
I am not familiar with these ovens, but most I have seen have an optical emmitter reciever and a some kind of sprocket with holes to measure speed. If there is dust build up on the emmitter or reciever, this can cause the speed to increase because th
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 08:04:54 EST 2013 | aj
hi all, I need to access the service area on my reflow oven - Vitronics SMR500.. I have tried 2 , 3,4 but no luck. Anyone know the password - am in the process of contacting Vitronics themselves aswell.. aj
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 23 12:10:04 EST 2005 | dphilbrick
Has anyone out there done any lead free testing using a Vitronics Unitherm 500 oven? based on the specs I have dug up on the machine I suspect it should work fine but it would be great to hear from someone that has done it. Thanks in advance.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 08:36:09 EST 2013 | cbeneat
Try the letter s
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 08:47:27 EST 2013 | aj
Hi Chris, Thanks but its not working. aj
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 15:05:07 EST 2013 | cbeneat
Have you tried soltec? This is the default on our Delta wave.