Electronics Forum: vitronics rs232 communication software (Page 1 of 1)

Fuji CP4-3

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 12:14:37 EST 2012 | dhopps

If you go with MCS I would recommend using an MCS30. You would have to make sure that the E-Proms for host communication are installed in the MCS and the host module (software)as well. You would then need CadConvert to program and transfer programs

Coplanarity check

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 09 11:42:39 EDT 2003 | stefwitt

Ricardo, I can�t apply more then common sense to the function of the coplanarity system. If Fuji buys the system off the shelf, from Cyber Optics for example, then it is very likely that it has its own processor, programmed a way that the measuring r

F4G setup: cannot connect to local socket error?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 11 18:51:49 EST 2010 | rodrigo

Hi All, I'm setting up the F4G software for our line (currently using MCS30). I made an adapter to connect the CP4 line (that was connected to the MCS30) to the PC. Then I tried to transmit a program but I keep getting this error: 41A27F9D: Error o

Vitronics Delta 5

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 10 18:44:48 EDT 2008 | adamcrum

Were dealing with firmware issues for the stepper motor, as well as communications problems with the software. Vitronics is looking into it... again, but even they seemed to be stumped. You may want to ask your rep about it. Our machine is brand new,

Vitronics Delta 5

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 17 10:09:06 EDT 2008 | dfhoadle

Were dealing with firmware issues for the stepper > motor, as well as communications problems with > the software. Vitronics is looking into it... > again, but even they seemed to be stumped. You > may want to ask your rep about it. Our machine i


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