Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 09:39:40 EDT 2018 | justconmac
Having an issue with tracking for the Vitronics Soltec Delta 3. Wave will not give error on "expected PCB at exit" but will still show 1+ pcb's in the wave when the machine is empty. This is causing solder pump to idle unnecessarily. Outfeed sensor i
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 11:31:36 EDT 2018 | emeto
I would still focus on the sensors first. Experiment and see if they are really registering correctly. Still might be a sensor malfunction, timing issue(enough time to register)or some actual debree on it that prevents it from changing state properly
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 13:50:38 EDT 2018 | justconmac
Thank you, yes I am definitely going to go back through and clean them thoroughly and monitor them, especially at rack location.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 19:32:07 EDT 2021 | mcoass
Hello, I have a very strange problem in a Delta 3 vitronic soltec, drops of tin are fired from the solderpot, I already adjusted the flux profile but these tin stains continue to appear, B.R
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 14:51:04 EDT 2018 | justconmac
UPDATE The reason for the board count in the wave when there are no boards is due to operators leaving racks with empty PCB slots. The input feed sensor is a little bit more in the center of the conveyor whereas the output feed is a slightly closer t
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