Electronics Forum: vitronics soltec xpm3 manual board tracking (Page 1 of 1)

Soltec-Vitronics throughput

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 11:01:46 EST 2017 | emeto

Hello experts, We have a XPM3m reflow oven and for certain boards, the oven is the bottleneck. I am curious if someone knows how to increase the throughput by decreasing the distance between the boards in the oven. It has to be in the software somew

SMT line expansion - new oven and selective solder

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 22 11:37:00 EST 2020 | kylehunter

Hey all, I've made a post in the past about us expanding to a new space, but I wanted to do a new post with specific questions. We currently have a DEK 265, Phillips Opal Xii, and a Heller 1500. Our main reason for expanding is to have a lead-free

Solder Wave Vitronics Soltec Delta 3 TRACKING problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 14:51:04 EDT 2018 | justconmac

UPDATE The reason for the board count in the wave when there are no boards is due to operators leaving racks with empty PCB slots. The input feed sensor is a little bit more in the center of the conveyor whereas the output feed is a slightly closer t

Wave solder: Vitronics-Soltec vs. Electrovert

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 22:32:18 EDT 2004 | pdeuel

We have a Soltec Deltawave with single nozzle spray fluxer, chipwave, and waveform. It preforms well. I am not fimilar with Electrovert models so I can only give you some of the pitch I got when I went back East for training. Features I like about th

Soltec Deltawave

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 15 18:42:57 EST 2005 | simmcircuits

Hi, Can anyone give me a bit of an advise or tip on how to reduce the flux residues on the board when it comes out of the wavesolder machine. The Vitronics Soltec 6622CC that we are using have been producing boards like this for years and people her


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