Electronics Forum: vitronics xpm 520 reflow oven (Page 1 of 4)

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 16:16:01 EST 2005 | pjc

Here are some 5 zones models to look for: Electrovert OmniFlo5 Conceptronic HVA70 BTU VIP70 Vitronics SMR or XPM 520 Heller 1088 (4 zone)

vitronics soltec Xpm2. procedure for opening hood.

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 12:17:05 EDT 2018 | randywoods

I need to perform maintenance. On reflow oven. I do not remeber procedure for opening. Hood for reflow oven. Vitronis Soltec XPM2.

PDF manual for Vitronics Soltec XPM520 Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 13:55:31 EDT 2018 | robertbronx

Hi, Everyone!! In our company bough a Vitronics Soltec XPM520 Reflow but we don't have any manual of this equipment. Please I'm asking any PDF manual available. Thanks!!!! Best Regards

new reflow oven - which model/brand/ to choose?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 18:32:21 EDT 2021 | rwyman

I have (6) Vitronics ovens, models XPM1, XPM2 and XPM3, ranging in age from 7-21 years old and they just keep chugging along. Keep up on the maintenance and they'll be good to you. Just this week i had a presentation from them on their current mode

new reflow oven - which model/brand/ to choose?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 20:14:37 EDT 2021 | cbeneat

For what it's worth, we have 5 Vitronics ovens. XPM2, 2+, 3I, 3M. Our Oldest is an XPM2-1030 as mentioned. We have never replaced a fan motor. We've been running it for 3 shifts for 16 years. A couple of the gearboxes for the conveyor width have been

new reflow oven - which model/brand/ to choose?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 06:43:59 EDT 2021 | sophyluo1985

Some thoughts of GOLDLAND: We recommend that you choose Vitronics or Heller brands. They are the most popular machines in the world. According to the long-term plan, your equipment needs maintenance and replacement parts in the future, so their parts

Reflow oven reliability?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 10:23:38 EDT 2012 | cbeneat

We Have 3 Vitronics XPM2's. I know nothing about any other manufacturer, but Vitronics has been extremely reliable. 2 Shifts 5 days a week for 6 years, and have never replaced a blower. Have had to change a few overtemp switches, and have had a fe

Reflow oven replacement

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 07:55:46 EDT 2024 | ginny

> We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 > Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. > I'm looking into either replacing both with used > or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare > parts). I priced a new delivere

Reflow oven replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 16:04:33 EDT 2024 | mistrthou

We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. I'm looking into either replacing both with used or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare parts). I priced a new delivered replacement from Vitronics

SMT Vitronics Xpm520 Oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 27 10:43:19 EDT 2018 | robertbronx

Hi, Everyone!! I'm working with a Vitronics Xpm520 model and manufactured in 2001. My Question is: How I make a new default recipe? The simple way. I mean the simple like making it MANUALLY, without any kit or special equipment. Thank you all in adv

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vitronics xpm 520 reflow oven searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Best SMT Reflow Oven

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
Vacuum Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB Handling with CE

High Throughput Reflow Oven
Solder Paste Dispensing

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.