Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 12:54:25 EDT 2004 | pjc
Maybe here's an opportunity to get a new oven. Electrovert, BTU and Vitronics offer closed-loop N2 control as an option. This, together with other improvements on oven design can reduce N2 consumption by as much as 40%. Not to mention reductions in e
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 04:26:00 EDT 2005 | Joris Groot koerkamp
For the lead free reflow process we tested with our Vitronics 500smr oven. To reach the high temperature of the lead free profile was no problem. We are not using an active cooling system so the pcb's are maby to hot wen the leaving the oven. Can an
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 16:04:33 EDT 2024 | mistrthou
We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. I'm looking into either replacing both with used or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare parts). I priced a new delivered replacement from Vitronics
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 07:55:46 EDT 2024 | ginny
> We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 > Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. > I'm looking into either replacing both with used > or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare > parts). I priced a new delivere
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 03 16:55:20 EST 2017 | westshoredesign
We have 6 Vitronics Soltec ovens. 4 XPM 820's, an XPM 1240, and an XPM3. All of them are great, but we're very impressed with the XPM3, you can't go wrong.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 22 16:51:14 EDT 2008 | maxpower097
OK I have read though all the treads and learned more. One more question if someone can answer it. Can I do this myself on site? We have a Vitronics Soltec XPM820 Reflow Oven. Or do I need a super special oven for component baking.. Thanks max
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 22 20:47:21 EDT 2008 | davef
Q1. Can I do this myself on site? A1. Sure. Most companies demoisturate their components in-house. Q2. Can we use our Vitronics Soltec XPM820 Reflow Oven? A2. You can. Most of us would be using an oven like that in our product processing. If you look
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