Electronics Forum: vitronics xpm-820 reflow ovens price (Page 1 of 3)

Used equipment price estimates..?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 11:00:19 EDT 1998 | Matt Harding

I have some potential unused SMT equipment which may be candidates for sale. Any input regarding the value or expected going rate would be appreciated. CONDITION: E - Excellent Condition F - Fair Condition G - Good Condition Equipment List: BRAND

Re: Used equipment price estimates..?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 22:00:50 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| I have some potential unused SMT equipment which may be candidates for sale. Any input regarding the value or expected going rate would be appreciated. | CONDITION: | E - Excellent Condition | F - Fair Condition | G - Good Condition | Equipment Li

Re: Best reflow temperature

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 12:06:29 EDT 1999 | Scott S. Snider

| | | Hi, | | | | | | Can someone pls suggest to me the best reflow temperature setting | | | for a force air convection oven. The details is as follow. | | | 1) Heller 1700s | | | 2) 12 zone---6 top and 6 bot | | | 3) Solder paste --- Qualitek 691

Reflow oven replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 16:04:33 EDT 2024 | mistrthou

We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. I'm looking into either replacing both with used or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare parts). I priced a new delivered replacement from Vitronics

new reflow oven - which model/brand/ to choose?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 18:32:21 EDT 2021 | rwyman

I have (6) Vitronics ovens, models XPM1, XPM2 and XPM3, ranging in age from 7-21 years old and they just keep chugging along. Keep up on the maintenance and they'll be good to you. Just this week i had a presentation from them on their current mode

Reflow Oven Brand

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 03 16:55:20 EST 2017 | westshoredesign

We have 6 Vitronics Soltec ovens. 4 XPM 820's, an XPM 1240, and an XPM3. All of them are great, but we're very impressed with the XPM3, you can't go wrong.

Reflow oven replacement

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 07:55:46 EDT 2024 | ginny

> We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 > Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. > I'm looking into either replacing both with used > or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare > parts). I priced a new delivere

Newb needs to bake some chips help.....

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 22 16:51:14 EDT 2008 | maxpower097

OK I have read though all the treads and learned more. One more question if someone can answer it. Can I do this myself on site? We have a Vitronics Soltec XPM820 Reflow Oven. Or do I need a super special oven for component baking.. Thanks max

Newb needs to bake some chips help.....

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 22 20:47:21 EDT 2008 | davef

Q1. Can I do this myself on site? A1. Sure. Most companies demoisturate their components in-house. Q2. Can we use our Vitronics Soltec XPM820 Reflow Oven? A2. You can. Most of us would be using an oven like that in our product processing. If you look

Heller Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 17 09:47:23 EDT 2022 | spoiltforchoice

Depends a bit on how well maintained it is and what your spares answer ends up being. However, bear in mind that a brand new Chinese oven of this sort of size can be 5-10K and larger but 10 years newer Heller/BTU/Vitronics oven can be priced in that

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