Electronics Forum: voc free (Page 1 of 20)

voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 21:21:49 EST 2003 | Dean

What do you guys do with your old, used VOC free flux? Can you just send it down the drain? Or is it considered hazardous, and should be disposed of accordingly? Thanks for your replies.

voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 12 08:10:47 EST 2003 | davef

As a minimum, you should observe the recommendations for disposal in your flux supplier's MSDS. For one VOC-Free Flux, the MSDS says something like: Waste Disposal Methods: Scrap material may be disposed of, by a licensed waste disposal company or

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 04:00:01 EST 1999 | Vinesh Gandhi

Glenn, i am aware of one unique problem with voc free fluxes. since these fluxes have certain amountb of water content they cause sputtering leading to solder balls & voids problems. Regards Vinesh Gandhi | I require some feed back from any one

voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 28 17:05:13 EST 1999 | Glenn Peters

I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. What disadvantages are there when using this flux? Do you have any contact details with any o

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 09:33:37 EST 1999 | Chrys Shea

| I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | Do you have any contact details with

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 08:11:27 EST 1999 | George Steele

| | I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | | Do you have any contact detail

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 05 08:25:31 EDT 1999 | ADRIANO FERNANDES

| | | I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | | | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | | | Do you have any contact

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 21:18:31 EST 1999 | Chris Kelly

Glenn, There are both very good VOC-Free fluxes as well as alcohol based fluxes out there. This should be your primary focus if you are so lucky as to have to opportunity to actually select a flux! The use of nitrogen will benefit any no-clean pro

voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 12 10:45:12 EST 2003 | johnthor

Absolutely, read the manufacturers MSDS. You do have it, don't you? We use Kester 971 and it reads Waste Disposal Methods: According to local regulations. Considered biodegradable. We did take the precaution of informing the local authorities and

VOC free flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 08:51:31 EDT 2000 | David Chapman

I have heard that a drwaback to VOC free flux in the wave solder machine is the machine will rust. Is this guy for real? What do you know about drawbacks vs. benefits of VOC free? Thanks

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