Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 13 13:34:45 EST 2021 | proy
I have an excellent operating X-Ray - Phoenix PCB analyser 160. It seems there was available software for Voiding Calculation but I am not sure if my machine has this - I do know that we have the BGA analysis tool, but have to look in and see if we
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 14 13:06:18 EDT 2021 | proy
I have the software in my machine. Just need to read manual and learn how to use it.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 13 11:57:08 EDT 2016 | ahernand75
Guys I'm looking for a software on the web that I can use to do void measurements. I have x-ray images but unfortunately no software in the machine to be able to calculate void size. Thanks in advance for your support.
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 10 13:30:46 EDT 2001 | mzaboogie
Good Afternoon. Hope all is well with everyone. > I was wondering, What is the preferred equipment > to use for BGA rework/replacement and xray? I > would like to know what equipment you are using > and your likes/dislikes of the equipment.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 19 07:16:23 EDT 2005 | danhui888
Glenbrook is the best if you are looking for a low cost unit. I had sold numbers of this units in Asia and customers are so please with it. If you need to check the voids and have the data, an option of GTI-5000 software needed. Send an email to me a
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 11:06:31 EDT 2001 | Gil Zweig
In-line systems are effective in detecting the obvious defects such as solder bridges, missing balls and excessive solder voids. They may not be as effective in detecting the subtle changes in solder bond shapes (signatures) indicating loss or chang
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 03 16:26:30 EST 2020 | stephendo
A few lifetimes ago I went to a seminar on reflow profiles. The speaker emphasized more than once that the cool down rate is important. Someone asked him about controlling the cool down rate and he acknowledged that you can't. And IIRC it was an ove
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 07:41:08 EDT 2002 | johnw
Craig, it depend's n what you want to look at. In term's of te gran structure of the solder jont that's formed when the joint is cooling so you'd want to monitor the temperature drop from the peak or say 215dg C for ref down to probably about 150 an
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 03 17:39:37 EDT 2014 | siddharth
You are correct. Both the machines are "semi-automatic". The program can focus on the part you want to inspect and perform basic inspections like void analysis (BGA, QFP) etc. But you have to manually navigate and look for defects like TH solder fill
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 18 23:40:22 EDT 2001 | CAL
We at ACI have both endoscopes and xray. We have used the ERSA Scope often and it is a great machine, but the cost is hard to justify the ROI.The ERSA Scope is in the $28K to $32K range. I had a chance to see OC Whites Endoscope and it was cool.Pric