Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 04 05:40:09 EDT 2008 | proy
Thanks, I'll give this a try. Peter
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 04 00:36:25 EDT 2008 | shrek
Try a linear, very flat ramp rate on the order of 0.5 degrees celcius per second. I know this is hard to accomplish with a five zone, but try to lower the first couple of zones (the preheat zone), and then spike to reflow aggressively during your la
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 10 10:25:05 EDT 2008 | gregoryyork
I guess the paste is Leaded hence the 220 Peak temp and the Sn100c is Eutectic at 227C so you need to be hotter to melt the HASL finish or you are relying on it alloying together with the paste which takes much longer. suggest running peak temp of 23
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 08 22:44:06 EDT 2008 | proy
I made progress and almost acceptable results by adding heat to the bottom of zone 4 HOWEVER, the core problem I uncovered last night/this morning was that the #4 top side blower had failed. I think this is the key why I was having so much trouble.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 03 19:27:54 EDT 2008 | proy
5 Zone HVA70 Oven Board 6 layer, 10" x 13" lots of space, most critical is 100 pin QFP AIM Water Soluble 487 Tin Lead paste on SN100C HASL boards This board is giving me disproportionate grief! I am running 23 in / min which gives me about 3.1 mi
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 12:07:30 EDT 2016 | wlsmt
Sorry davef. I was not being clear. PCBAs came out cold soldered after being reflowed the first time with ALPHA WS-820. The flux gel ALPHA WS 609 was supposed to be applied only onto the terminations of caps where ALPHA WS-820 was for a second refl
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 06 22:09:53 EST 2001 | Greenman
Cory, I've got a lot of experience of testing of this type. The physical (not chemical) nature of the flux residues is the crucial issue in compatibility. If you have a softer residue (either caused by a thick initial solder paste deposit, or a low p
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 14 18:55:16 EST 2023 | kghadiya
I relate to your problem. We face this issue sometimes. It's mostly flux from SMT, TH process or rework boards. To avoid foam in our Washer, we soak the boards in hot water for 10-15 min before running it through the washer. Or you can spray the boar
Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 20:38:32 EDT 1999 | lima
Does anyone know of any industry guidelines for the exhausting of volatiles in reflow ovens? I've seen some numbers like 1,000ppm for the oven atmosphere, but is this typical? My concern is the volatiles in my WS629 solder paste may be attacking th
Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 15:03:19 EDT 1999 | lima
| | Does anyone know of any industry guidelines for the exhausting of volatiles in reflow ovens? I've seen some numbers like 1,000ppm for the oven atmosphere, but is this typical? | | | | My concern is the volatiles in my WS629 solder paste may be