Electronics Forum: washing component (Page 1 of 28)

Ionic washing

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 18:36:28 EST 2004 | jj

Thanks, Dave Is that for cleaning component or PCB ? JJ

Ionic washing

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 20:37:35 EST 2004 | davef

Water wash cleaning with a deionized water rise is used for bare boards and assemblies [and probably components also, but we're not sure]. Look here for the basics: http://www.circuitree.com/CDA/ArticleInformation/features/BNP__Features__Item/0,2133

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 12:36:06 EDT 2005 | bschreiber

Hello Frank, Just a quick note regarding the use of your Smart Sonic Stencil Cleaning process for cleaning PCBs; if the boards are populated, some components my require an ultrasonic rinse with DI water as ultrasonics will deliver the wash solution

Re: PCB washing

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 14:03:16 EST 2000 | Bill Schreiber

When cleaning water washable flux from PCBs using U/S, the final rinse can be with spray DI water for aesthetic purposes because the wash cycle is really just a long U/S rinse (no added chemistry). Fresh DI water should be continuously added to fresh

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 02:25:32 EDT 2005 | Mike Konrad

The issue of using ultrasonic technology for post reflow de-fluxing presents challenges in two categories: Controversial: Although there are recent studies that indicate acceptance with ultrasonic technology on populated assemblies, there remains si

Re: PCB washing

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 21:48:12 EST 2000 | Dave F

Guo: You want to know: 1 Can I use water as the solvent in an ultrasonic machine to remove solder paste from PCB? Continuing from Jason�s comments: Sure you can use water as the solvent to remove solder paste from PCB, but recognize that some flu

Re: washing BGA`s

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 05:32:31 EST 2000 | Dean

Your customers design and your process capability would determin this (W/S vs. noclean). EX. Can you clean adequately for low stand off components? I have some BGA products which operate at 20GHz (atenuation and cross-talk is off the charts. )No wa

di water washing

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 12:43:55 EDT 2010 | rgduval

Good point on the shop air. Shop air can also generate a tremendous amount of ESD. There are special nozzles you can get to minimize it. We use our shop air mostly for blowing out connectors, and larger components that have a history of trapping w

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 14:07:24 EDT 2005 | bschreiber

Hello Paul, Prior to 1980, I would say that your concerns were real regarding the resonant frequency. However, since then all major ultrasonic cleaner manufacturers use a "sweep" frequency technology. By "sweeping" or alternating the frequency bet

Re: PCB washing

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 05 21:58:08 EST 2000 | Stu Leech

I agree with all of the previous comments. 1) Here are a few things to keep in mind when cleaning with water. To effectively clean, any liquid must wet the surface. By itself, water has a surface tension of 70 dynes/square cm. This is relaively hig

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