Electronics Forum: washing pcb without baking (Page 1 of 14)

Board baking after washing machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 02 12:01:26 EST 2001 | mparker

I have two cases where I must bake after DI wash. The moisture entrapment is specifically within microprocessor sockets. Without air gun blow out and baking, oxidation occurs that causes flaky contacts for the PGA. We will bake for 2-3 hours @ 60C. O

Board baking after washing machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 30 21:42:32 EST 2001 | surachai

I have question about board baking after in line washing machine then I would like to know some information that ; 1) Do we need board baking after in line washing machine? Both bare board and assembly borad normally we don't bake . 2)In case of ne

How do you clean OSP PCB's without washing it off?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 14:18:13 EDT 2006 | Kevin W. Parker

We have begun using a PCB with Organic Surface Protectant. We normally run boards with non orgainic protectant. We can wash these boards with our ultrasonic cleaner using Zestron SC202 and a separate Hot/cold rinse system with an air knife. This r

PCB washing

Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 14:44:42 EDT 2007 | colormaker

We use a washer soluable solder flux for our solder wave. We then wash the boards in a dishwasher. We have done it this way for years without problems. We just got a new dishwasher and now we get residue on the solder (white marks) Anyone know of wh

How do you clean OSP PCB's without washing it off?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 18:00:10 EDT 2006 | slthomas

Is it your normal process to wash all your bare boards or is this in response to something abnormal? Seems like something your suppliers should be taking care of, especially with a non-washable treatment. In answer to your question, I have no idea!

PCB washing

Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 22:46:10 EDT 2007 | colormaker

The waste water is filtered then sent to city sewer. When we first started we had inspections and then they said our volume was so low and did not require continued testing. We wash 20-40 boards a month. Small 3x4 inch boards. If we hand rinse the b

How do you clean OSP PCB's without washing it off?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 20:11:19 EDT 2006 | davef

You weren't specific about the OSP that you use. We use Entek Plus CU-106A. Yes, just about everything removes Entek, especially if there's heat involved. Ethone states: * Alcohol strips 70% of the coating * Water removes 15% * Kyzen Lonox only t

Re: PCB washing

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 21:48:12 EST 2000 | Dave F

Guo: You want to know: 1 Can I use water as the solvent in an ultrasonic machine to remove solder paste from PCB? Continuing from Jason�s comments: Sure you can use water as the solvent to remove solder paste from PCB, but recognize that some flu

Re: PCB washing

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 14:03:16 EST 2000 | Bill Schreiber

When cleaning water washable flux from PCBs using U/S, the final rinse can be with spray DI water for aesthetic purposes because the wash cycle is really just a long U/S rinse (no added chemistry). Fresh DI water should be continuously added to fresh

Re: Is baking PCB necessary before solder process?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 12:33:38 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| Currently, we are baking any PCB before process on SMT, the 'reason' is to dry any possible humidity that could be inner the PCB, it does not matter if the PCB is multilayer or not. We bake PCB's at 107C for 4 hrs and the board must be process into

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