Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 16:18:18 EST 2001 | CAL
WWW.Culligan.com Should be able to take care of your needs. Cal
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 13:25:13 EST 2001 | James
If anyone knows of a company, other than US Filter, that provides Mixed Bed and Carbon filters (3.5 cu ft) for water recycling could you let me know. Thanks James
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 20:26:55 EST 2001 | Cal
Panasonic and Create are owned by same but very different. Culligan is in Northbrook,IL where US Filter is in Palm Desert, CA....................
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 05 10:24:46 EDT 2007 | russ
De ionized is de-ionized. Contact your local water supplier such as culligan or whoever. They can give you the rundown on leasing or buying tanks, etc... Your cleaner will have to have some type of provision for adding external filtration/deioniza
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 09 19:17:56 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr
steve- once again I mention that the lead that is actually in the water is in solution i.e. the lead is in a molecular form that has attached to a H2O molecule. To have a minimum of lead that is below the regulated ppm, there cannot be any chunks,
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 27 11:08:24 EDT 2002 | slthomas
We use an evaporator, so that we only have a sludge of flux residue and solder metal to dispose of via the hazmat handling service. We also route stencil washer waste water into it. We use a 30 gallon drum and have it hauled off maybe twice a year,
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 13:46:21 EDT 2008 | bschreiber
I know it is not what you want to hear, but first and foremost, you must consult your local regulating agencies and here is why: Solder paste contains heavy metals. We are all familiar with the problems associated with lead, but lead free solder pas
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 14 06:00:49 EDT 1999 | Graham Naisbitt
The latex should not influence your closed-loop filtration - unless of course it falls off during cleaning. The issue would be with water soluble materials. As Dave (hi Dave) said, the clay based version of these will clog/blind/knacker your carbon
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 14:31:43 EST 2004 | pdeuel
DI water de-ionized water is an easier way to ensure washing free of contaminates. De-ionized water has a characteristic resistance of 18 meg ohms per cm squared. Resistance monitors can be installed in cascading wash systems that would monitor conta
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:47:23 EDT 2017 | georgetruitt
You have a lot to think about! What does the flux manufacturer recommend as far as specifics like water temp or pressure? Do they recommend high temp di-water a detergent or saponifier? Do you currently have a cleaning machine, batch cleaner or inl