Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 05:06:01 EST 2000 | Istv�n Dominik
Hi! I have problems with the SMD boards during wave soldering. Mainly between the pins of the SOICs there are small solder balls. Maybe somebody had the same problem and could solve it. Please give me some ideas what causes this problem and how it
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 12:52:35 EDT 2006 | samir
..and he can put the flux in and keep it a secret too from his customer.. RSS profile on wave?? I never heard of a soak zone for wave preheat...you may be burning off your activator..hence, the beads. For wave preheat, your main goal is to ramp up
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 08:32:21 EST 2006 | GS
HI aj, I suppose you have visited the Alphametal situ where they have plenty of information about SACX http://www.alphametals.com/main.asp For sure every one talks well about own products. I think the best judgement can be done from those who h
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 01 22:48:46 EST 2006 | Joseph
We are using selective soldering pallet, which the soldering flux is Interflux 2005M. We encountered the poor hole fill mainly at the heat sink components. Initially we tried to apply more heat but tend to overkill the flux activity. After some modif
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 09:05:07 EDT 2003 | davef
Use a cartridge that's approved [conform to OSHA 42 CFR 84] to provide respiratory protection against organic vapors, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, chlorine dioxide, and hydrogen fluoride with a P100 particulate filter which is effecti
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 12:24:24 EST 2000 | Dave F
Robert: Several points: 1 Dross is a mixture of various things with no "fixed" composition: � The obvious things are metal oxides mixed with metal and this can vary in color with temperature and composition - remember some intermetallic oxides form
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 06:56:27 EST 2005 | adanhn
Hi Steve, What I came up with for our Soltec Sigma 6621 is to make a stainless steel wave solder bath insert.The insert with all its components eg. impeller, Chipwave assy, pump shafts, main wave assy etc. I will send for plasma nitride coating.Afer
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 08:53:43 EDT 2012 | mbnetto
Hi, Recently we acquired a Delta 3 and I noticed everytime we change any value regarding to the tracking system, as chip or main wave - offtime/ontime- with boards loaded on it, the tracking system doesnt work well. sometimes it turns off the wave o
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 25 22:58:49 EDT 2000 | gary
thanks for the feedback....but what's your delta T and how will you know that you are within the delta T range ?...I think this is the main point of the above topic...can you elaborate more on how did your company get Delta T ? thanks and regards,
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 04:24:32 EDT 2012 | brettrenishaw
Yes pads are still gold after the wave soldering process even if you wave solder a pcb several times. I have tried soldering using an iron and the solder takes to the pad as you would expect. This happens on all boards of this type and all boards are