Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 01 21:02:54 EST 2006 | sumxp
Please elaborate more on hole fill issue.How difficult to optimise the process para?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 15:57:39 EDT 2003 | pjc
Frank, ECD (WaveRIDER) and Datapaq (Optimiser) have wave solder machine process control devices. They will check the following: 1. Conveyor speed 2. Preheat Temps 3. Solder Temps 4. Wave Dwell/Contact Times 5. Wave Heights 6. Waves Parallelism Go
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 03:14:52 EDT 2004 | Adam
Hi Has anyone see a defect,where after one pass over the wave, pins on conectors seem to have a tenancy to have a mimimum solder fillet on the bottom-side of the board. There seems to be no trend, It could range from half a dozen to two dozen from b
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 30 12:03:15 EST 2001 | slthomas
Pete, I'm wondering how much optimisation you needed (or were allowed) to do with respect to connector design. The first one we evaluated had a row of leads that I can only describe as "crescent" shaped in cross section. Impossible to get even 50%
Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 16:31:25 EDT 2004 | Mark @ SolderStar
In answer to your questions. (1) pls can any body throw some light on the reflow profiling? Reflow profiling is the process of confirming that you PCB's that pass through your reflow oven are produced within specifications provided by solder paste
Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 07:53:55 EDT 1999 | Chris Nuttall
| | We care currently running into problems during our plug via process: | | At the moment we plug prior to soldermask (LPISM) using epoxy resin - plugging takes place from the component side - however we are seeing solderballs after solder level.Thi
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