Electronics Forum: wave solder

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 15:49:43 EDT 2008 | grics

I think WML ought to have some photos on how to do this...

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 22:54:44 EDT 2008 | omid_juve

what is WML ? can you please explain more

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 16:21:23 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Larry, I'm seeing a pattern here of you and fire!?!?! What gives?

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 05 13:49:04 EDT 2008 | gregoryyork

Tell the board shop to increase the cure temp of the resist as it is undecured especially if you have waxy/greasy resiues on the board and a brown tar like substence in the solder wave itself. If undercured then solder will not flow off the resist pr

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 12:18:03 EDT 2008 | grics

Why yes, I regognize all the best. WML, I have an idea... I am going to call it, the Dunker. Instead of anyone foaming, I will get the wave operators to throw the boards into a rubbermaid tub full of flux/gasoline mixture and send through to the wav

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 02 14:59:41 EDT 2008 | hermes

if two boards with different solder masks give different results on flux residue level after soldering with the exact same machine settings than it is clear that one of the solder masks is not compatible with your no-clean flux. could be the solder m

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 14:58:21 EDT 2008 | omid_juve

we have problem in setting the density of a no clean flux for using before wave soldering . first we dilute the flux but we have many short circuit problem between the pads of edge connector,then we densify the flux all the short circuit is removed b

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 08:31:55 EDT 2008 | grics

Sorry for the confusion... "WML" is a who... Wave Master Larry... He is a person on the forum who has a degree from Soltec? I don't remember... I was hoping he would have left a comment or some info that we could all learn by. (I am not sure how thi

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 29 07:55:29 EDT 2008 | realchunks

I agree with Pat. We specify matte finish on all our boards. Once in a while our QC Dept lets in some glossy finishes in and then do their victory dance at the wave chanting "Wut ya gunna do about!?! Wut ya gunna do? Process outta control! Giggi

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 11:31:17 EDT 2008 | patrickbruneel

Matt solder mask finishes gives the widest process window in view of potential amount of residues when using No-Clean. Shiny (glass like) finishes are more sensitive to residues due to lower surface area compared to matt finish. If the shiny finish i

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