Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 11:52:58 EDT 2005 | chunks
Elektrobit (JOT) makes a wave unloader you can use to put your board back onto an edge conveyor (if you are using just a belt on your oven now) and then place a FIFO or Mag Loader after that.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 05 15:37:07 EDT 2012 | mili
another delta wave have the same fault, same symptoms!!!
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 03:43:16 EDT 2012 | mili
Hello!I have a delta wave with these problems:offtime of lambda wave tracking is too long and when modify offtime setting to a negative value for a fast stop on tracking position of lambda wave, the wave pass on stand-by with a delay of half of leg
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 08:53:43 EDT 2012 | mbnetto
Hi, Recently we acquired a Delta 3 and I noticed everytime we change any value regarding to the tracking system, as chip or main wave - offtime/ontime- with boards loaded on it, the tracking system doesnt work well. sometimes it turns off the wave o
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 10:53:25 EDT 2012 | mili
In Setup menu there is a last option Debug. Debug choosing a window with Rack0, Rack1, Rack2, Rack3, log RS485 opens. Choosing rack0 a window with parameters S3 boxes 1 to 12 Input and certain boxes are checked, S4 Output from 1-8, from 1-8 S5 Outpu
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 04:11:16 EDT 2012 | mili
Hello!I have a delta wave with these problems:offtime of lambda wave tracking is too long and when modify offtime setting to a negative value for a fast stop on tracking position of lambda wave, the wave pass on stand-by with a delay of half of leght
Electronics Forum | Tue May 17 10:11:54 EDT 2005 | russ
I would use a foam fluxer since spraying rosin will make the stickiest nastiest mess you can imagine. 18 layer board huh? You will want convection preheat, both top and bottom preheaters, preheat tunnel of at least 4-5', a chip wave, laminar flow w
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 10:41:23 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel
Bob, Great theory if you're selling SN100C, but I have to disagree that an alloy being 4�C off eutectic will cause cracks. When a solder joint exits the solder wave, there is an immediate drop in temperature of 100�C. so being off 4�C is irrelevant.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 10:57:51 EDT 2000 | Jason
I am new to wave soldering. Any information is greatly welcomed. Here is the problem. After soldering the boards they have a film on the bottom of them and sometimes a white powder looking substance. I have tried decreasing the amount of flux on
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 11:15:50 EDT 1998 | Ryan Jennens
Hey all! The wave solder warrior is back. I have found a flux which leave almost no residue (the least yet), but because of its super low solids content I absolutely cannot get topside fillets. The multi-layer, two sided board is on a pallet w