Electronics Forum | Sat May 05 18:18:22 EDT 2007 | colormaker
I am using a Novastar 12S solder wave with Kester water soluable fux 22-2425. I have used this for years without problems on an old Hollis machine. Just started using the Novastar and after fine tuning I get itermitten bridging on the front of the P
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 12:23:12 EST 2006 | slthomas
Just to nitpick a little, collecting defect data and reacting to it really isn't an SPC function. Cal's recommendations (determine critical processes, assess process capability and acceptable limits) are spot on and are pretty much the definition of
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 14:51:04 EDT 2018 | justconmac
UPDATE The reason for the board count in the wave when there are no boards is due to operators leaving racks with empty PCB slots. The input feed sensor is a little bit more in the center of the conveyor whereas the output feed is a slightly closer t
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 03:41:59 EDT 2000 | JohnW
Ok dave so yes your right I'm going to measure the heat capacity for each bank of lamps from 3 wave solder machines so I can try and match the output of each set of lamps so I can match teh machines. As a by product I'm hoping to use it to set up a l
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 28 01:07:36 EST 2007 | shy
is there any standard gap between the terminal and pad if we place the glue? SMT-4 mention as per what you understand which is using glue at SMT without solder paste and run at wave solder for the solder paste at the terminal. Glue supplier recomm
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 17 01:42:34 EDT 2000 | Peter Carry
Dave, That's the funny thing, thru all that the output was pretty consistant with at least one bridge per board. * The ICs are going thru the wave in-line, according to IPC-782 figure 3-9, "Preferred IC Orientation". * Flatness of second wave is cont
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 08:12:04 EST 2006 | Chunks
OK, this is easy. You say HIGH fall out, so I can assume 25 or 50%? If so, run 10 without the heat gun and 10 with. This should show you if the heat gun process is the cause or not. If the relay is a surface mount, hand solder them on. If it's a
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 04 05:33:19 EST 2002 | ianchan
Hi, hope this helps : 1) BCC (bump chip carrier) production for us, was with a 5mils Stencil. The outer perimeter smallish pads are not much of a problems. For the central large pad, we split the paste print (corresponds to the Stencil apperture op
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 12:20:35 EDT 2000 | JohnW
Adam, Did some work on this a bit back via some good old Taguchi DOE and like Dave(the guru)F say's your component terminations is a big factor but I also foundthat the amount of flux you put on as well as the preheat's has an effect, generally we f
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 06 18:21:29 EST 2003 | ppwlee
Mike, What is the most common method for monitoring and calculating machine capability for: - Reflow oven, I currently run a carrier monthly to monitor its temperature profile and would like to simplify the process. - P&P machines: We don't have a