Electronics Forum: wave solder in conveyor (Page 1 of 55)

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 09:57:32 EDT 2004 | loz

Can you advise why the angle would need to be larger for LF process? Thanks loz

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Sun May 09 06:34:53 EDT 2004 | alex

i want to know that friends what is the angle of conveyor in wave soldering machine to get good soldering , can we adjust angle

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 20:16:02 EDT 2004 | wdlau

it can adjusted per the machine and your boards, Not a fix for every board, also if you are talking about the LF wave soldering process, it should be moved to largr angle compared to the tranditional sn/pb soldering

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 07:53:30 EDT 2004 | pjc

most machines have fixed angle of 6 deg. some are adjustable from 5 - 7 deg., but 6 is most popular.

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 07:34:42 EDT 2004 | RLeonard

The standard machine is set from the factory at 7-9 degrees, 7 is the most standard, why are you considering the change? before doing any thing to the machine, first identify why? what type of defects are you seeing? I have found, depending on the t

solder skips in chip wave on a NU/ERA wave solder

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 07:53:41 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero

Thanks ! I will try your recommendations, about the flux and the preheaters, yes they seems to be ok I will bring down de conveyor speed because it looks like if it is to fast is set to 3.6ft thanks again!

solder skips in chip wave on a NU/ERA wave solder

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 06:56:40 EDT 2009 | xinxi

Hi! From your post, it seem like the wave did not really touch the component. You probably need to get the both wave height correct and that it hits the component.It is normal for solder to come through the PCB when using chip wave. The through-hole

solder skips in chip wave on a NU/ERA wave solder

Electronics Forum | Mon May 25 21:10:28 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero

Hello !! I have a problem with my wave solder oven, in one of the products we made has connectors on one side of the pcb and in the other one has SMT components the process is kinda tricky on the SMT components we use an adhesive and put to the refl

Bismuth in solder wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 14:31:42 EDT 2000 | Jeff Sanchez

I have 25#'s of bismuth in my shop. I wanted to add some to my 63/37 till it was eutectic. This would allow me to lower the waves temp. Can I do this and still meet standards? Also would it make the solder joints to brittle and would discoloration be

Re: Bismuth in solder wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 14:34:22 EDT 2000 | Charles Harper

Please refer to prior answer recommending contact with Dr. Jennie Hwang.

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