Electronics Forum: wave solder optimizer (Page 1 of 496)

Re: wave solder bridges

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 16:33:08 EDT 2000 | Ron Lasky

Jason, it looks like you have several options that have strong promise of working. I suggest you perform a designed experiment to find/optimize the best solution with these suggested approaches. Ron

cleaning wave solder pallets

Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 11:58:27 EDT 2006 | jsloot

What is the best or ideal cleaning method for wave solder pallets? I have been using iso prop and am not sure if this is the cause for having brittle wall material. I wouldn't think alcohol would degrade the durastone material. Most of my pallets hav

wave soldering and solder bridge

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 12:06:58 EST 2007 | pjc

5 Steps to Eliminate Bridges: 1. Establish (wave) Parallelism First and foremost, you must establish board-to-wave parallelism. This is the prerequisite to any wave solder process control. For an understanding of the power of this approach go to ht

wave solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 10:57:51 EDT 2000 | Jason

I am new to wave soldering. Any information is greatly welcomed. Here is the problem. After soldering the boards they have a film on the bottom of them and sometimes a white powder looking substance. I have tried decreasing the amount of flux on

wave solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 11:15:50 EDT 1998 | Ryan Jennens

Hey all! The wave solder warrior is back. I have found a flux which leave almost no residue (the least yet), but because of its super low solids content I absolutely cannot get topside fillets. The multi-layer, two sided board is on a pallet w

Board wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue May 20 03:21:05 EDT 2008 | grayman

I sell wave solder optimizer in Philippines. I have sold many of this optimizer system. It cost less than US$10K. Most of my customer is happy with the performance except for some issues from customers like LCD not yet colored, uses RS232, upgrades

Board wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu May 15 05:24:55 EDT 2008 | grahem

Hi guys, Yesterday when I was with my friends I heard that some of my friends were speaking about Optimizer and board wave soldering. At that time I didn�t get anything about it however can somebody help me out that how does an Optimizer related with

Board wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu May 15 13:42:12 EDT 2008 | sliebl

Typing "Optimizer Wave Solder" in Google brought back this: http://www.techinfocorp.com/wso/howandwhy.htm I have no relationship with this company.

Blowholes during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 09 16:03:50 EDT 2007 | davef

Wave Optimizer-person Help us understand how your "excellent wave solder guide called 'Take No Prisoners' that includes instructions for attacking and eliminating solder balls and preventing their recurrence" will help Joris resolve his / her issues

Blowholes during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 19:04:28 EDT 2007 | hakerem

Hi Shrek - Not sure why you think adjusting dwell time and preheats is a sales pitch, but I do appreciate your candor. These are proven, widely used techniques for attacking, eliminating and preventing the recurrence of blowholes. Since it is so ea

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