Electronics Forum: wave solder parts (Page 1 of 750)

Losing parts in wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 18:07:53 EDT 1999 | Bill Haynes

I hope that someone can help me with my problem! I am experiencing a lot of glued on parts falling off in the wave solder machine. A little information about my process: 1)We use Loctite 3609 glue that is used up long before its shelf life 2)Our pa

Re: Losing parts in wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 06:02:38 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | | | I hope that someone can help me with my problem! I am experiencing a lot of glued on parts falling off in the wave solder machine. A little information about my process: 1)We use Loctite 3609 glue that is used up long before its shelf life

Re: Losing parts in wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 18:37:19 EDT 1999 | Morris

| I hope that someone can help me with my problem! I am experiencing a lot of glued on parts falling off in the wave solder machine. A little information about my process: 1)We use Loctite 3609 glue that is used up long before its shelf life 2)Our

Re: Losing parts in wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 08:55:23 EDT 1999 | Brian Conner

| | I hope that someone can help me with my problem! I am experiencing a lot of glued on parts falling off in the wave solder machine. A little information about my process: 1)We use Loctite 3609 glue that is used up long before its shelf life 2)Ou

Re: Losing parts in wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 11:58:33 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | | I hope that someone can help me with my problem! I am experiencing a lot of glued on parts falling off in the wave solder machine. A little information about my process: 1)We use Loctite 3609 glue that is used up long before its shelf life 2)

Re: Losing parts in wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 11:41:50 EDT 1999 | Bill Haynes

| | I hope that someone can help me with my problem! I am experiencing a lot of glued on parts falling off in the wave solder machine. A little information about my process: 1)We use Loctite 3609 glue that is used up long before its shelf life 2)Ou

Re: Losing parts in wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 08:49:22 EDT 1999 | Mark

| | I hope that someone can help me with my problem! I am experiencing a lot of glued on parts falling off in the wave solder machine. A little information about my process: 1)We use Loctite 3609 glue that is used up long before its shelf life 2)Ou

wave solder pallets

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 05:33:55 EST 2006 | teilo

Hi John We manufacture titanium component parts for wave solder machines inc retrofit kits for the conversion to lead free at a fraction of the manufacturers cost. For a quote email me at office@teiloengineering.com

Spartan wave solder machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 14:49:54 EST 2014 | joe98375

Greetings, I am looking into buying a wave solder machine for medium production of 100% through hole boards (~8.5"X12" dimension, not many layers, no high density part areas,

wave solder bridges

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 08:02:55 EDT 2000 | Jason

Hello once again! I am having a problem with a 24 pin connector bridging on the wave. We use very similar connectors on other PCB with zero problems. This connector bridges in the same place on the same pins. It forms like a little block of four

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