Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 18:07:33 EST 2023 | ccouture
We recently installed a new solder wave machine, The spray fluxer has a pressurized tank and because we use an alcohol based flux, the spray fluxer system must be fed with nitrogen. Anyone has infos on what installation is prefered to supply this mac
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 16:14:10 EST 2023 | proceng1
We use Nitrogen to inert the Selective Solder, as well as spray flux. We have Onsite Nitrogen Generators.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 12:22:29 EST 2023 | ccouture
we don't have a nitrogen generator installed yet. The solder wave supplier recommends 99.99%. we hare received several submissions for nitrogen generators that meet the requirements.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 16:20:22 EST 2023 | ccouture
any advantages over other nitrogen systems, like cost, maintenance, installation, etc?
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 17:31:14 EST 2023 | ccouture
fluxer requires normal shop pressure, around 100psi. Thanks for the infos, very useful.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 18:18:11 EST 2023 | proceng1
The onsite generator drops approx. 30psi from the input. We feed ours 110psi and end up around 80psi in the tank, which we regulate to 65psi for the machines.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 18:51:47 EST 2023 | ccouture
Sounds right, our actual pressure in the system is 120psi, the regulated to 100 in the machines.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 12:41:10 EST 2023 | proceng1
Agreed. If it's just a means of propulsion/ atomization the purity probably isn't too critical.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 12:42:03 EST 2023 | stephendo
For fun ask the sales guy where they came up with that number. Or even the reasoning for using nitrogen. Don't expect quality answers.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 21:28:30 EST 2023 | stephendo
What purity? To get 99.999% pure you will need dewers of liquid nitrogen or a two stage system. (and a dewer will last about a month and a half even if you don't use it as it outgasses.) But you can get reasonable purity with a wall mounted single s