Electronics Forum: wave tip (Page 1 of 12)

wave profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 19:21:58 EDT 2002 | davef

Look to: * Your flux supplier's recommendations to baseline your recipe [similar to using your paste supplier's recommendations for setting your reflow recipe] * 7530 'Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering (Reflow and Wave)' for gui

no tru-hole on wave

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 26 12:26:57 EDT 2000 | Ramon I Garcia C

Hi friends: I have a problem in the process of one PCB, I have a lot of insuficients of solder in top of the board, this pcb already was working good, but sudenly began there isn't flow thru hole, I ran the profile and it was ok, if I inmerse i

Solder wave shutdown

Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 10:09:57 EDT 2007 | samir

Wow, I surfed this guy's homepage, and he seems like a complete imbicile: http://michaelbluejay.com/ He'd be the type of guy (with ZERO credentials - he's either a OUT, or has a couple semesters at Austin Comunity College) that you'd see touting th

PCB residue after wave solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 07:26:12 EDT 2009 | dilogic

Hi Patrick, thanks for the response. I might add some more information - we succesfully soldered some boards with the same settings of belt speed, pre-heat temp. etc. This batch of boards differs from the previous in a way that they are 4-layer. May

Switching to SN100C in wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 30 15:15:34 EST 2016 | warwolf

Any lead free will eat a leaded designed wave soldering machine. But SN100c will eat it the slowest, our soldering tips used to only last 3 months with SAC305 when we changed to SN100c solder wire we are having around 9 months tip life. Our wave sol

Solder in wave soldering: Which one is the best?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 09:33:29 EST 2005 | lyrtech

Actually we're using ALPHA METAL Vaculoy 63SN/37Pb solder bars in our WAVE (ELECTROVERT ULTRAPACK 650C). With that solder, we use the ALPHA METAL LONCO SLS 65C flux. With this combination, we have many bridges and sometimes, the solder do not full co

Same wave process do not apply to all finish board

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 13 15:41:30 EDT 2005 | lyrtech

Hi, We have a customer who give us a 20K board contract each year. It's only thru-hole components.The baord is HASL plated. So we pass it into our wave. No problems. Recently, our customer decided to go into GOLD PLATED finish. We take the same re

Process ideas for adhesive on bottom side SMD's and wave solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 22 17:08:03 EST 2011 | mikenagle

I am looking for process suggestions. We want to use a pin transfer system to deposit adhesive to hold bottom side SMD's in place. We will place SMD's and through hole power parts on the top side and then run through a wave solder machine. Are ther

Wave Changeover-Hints -Tips?

Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 03:40:59 EDT 2006 | aj

Hi , The cost of the SACX is 12 euro/kg. What is the cost of the SN100C

Re: SMT at home?!

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 26 04:48:48 EST 1998 | Grant Petty

| Is there any way to implement SMT at home? | I want to assemble a prototype board of mine. | How can I hand-solder a 208-pin 0.5 mm lead | pitch PQFP -- lead-by-lead (the usual way), | or side-by-side (partial heating method)? | Alas, no SMD rework

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