Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 11:36:03 EST 2006 | Bruno Lalonde
Hello I�m looking for a ultrasonic stencil cleaner, maybe you guys can give me good and inexpensive brand. I�m also concerned about the waste, how do we treat it for the respect of the environment. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 13:46:05 EST 2006 | Chunks
Sounds like a epididymis! It depends on your paste chemistry. You can't just slap any old saponifier in there. Most water based cleaners evaporate the water and you have to remove the dried paste. It's a bit messy, maybe that's why your's is over
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 13:32:18 EST 2006 | samir
Whatever you do, don't get a cleaner where they "lock" you into using their Saponifier! I remember at my previous company, getting that monstrosity running was my 1st project - the boob who bought it washed his hands of it and assigned it to me.....
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 11:48:55 EST 2006 | russ
I would recopmmend contacting Aqueous technologies or Smart Sonic along with other Mfgrs. They will be best suited to evaluate your needs.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 14:19:27 EST 2006 | samir
Chunks, Here is some good information from the archives regarding Ultrasonic Systems: http://www.smtnet.com//forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=3026Message12326
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 15:36:35 EST 2006 | Darnell
Maybe at dat homie�s shop, they opted ta use Semco ridetridges instead of jars, and they didn�t gots a process put in place ta recycle da old solder paste. - aww yea foo.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 16:59:43 EST 2006 | Chunks
Hi Darnell! How's it hangin bra. Good point about the cartridges. I think "the man" invented them. Anyway, you can still scoop the excess into an empty container..... Most paste companies will take your old paste back for free too. Aw-ight, w
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 12:20:16 EST 2006 | cvoyles
Hi Bruno, I am an equipment reseller in business since 1994. I have a Smart Sonic MG3000 ultra sonic stencil cleaner in inventory. It is a stainless steel model with Delta Sonics brand ultra sonic generator. It is the guillotine type that raises a
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 12:57:51 EST 2006 | wheels_in_the_well
There are several makes of stencil cleaning equipment. The previous post mentioned, Aqueous Tech (www.aqueoustech.com). Others of long standing high reputation are EMC Global (www.emcgti.com), Austin American Technology (www.aat-corp.com), and Tech
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 07 17:17:55 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Ashok: You should select and use low residue tapes. But ya know, ya go out and research a great tape and if yer not careful, the buyer will second source ya and (surprise) ya got residues again. We have found that Lemme say this about Katon tape