Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 20:00:47 EST 2009 | davef
Solder Mask Adhesion Pull Test Tape List IPC-TM-650 Test Method, Adhesion, Solder Resist (Mask), Tape Test Method, defines the procedure for determining the adhesion of solder resists (masks) used over melting metals, (such as solder plated
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 15:06:11 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist
My guess is that he is talking about the gold plated pads not fully wetting with solder. We have seen this on some of our ENIG boards with the gold still showing at the far corners of the rectangular pads. Not knowing if this is hand soldering or p
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 26 09:30:56 EDT 2003 | Jim Z
Marc, There are many types of nylon used in the connector industry and some are designed to be used in high temperature (225-250C) oven reflow applications. These high temp nylons are usually types 4/6 and 6T. It sounds like you are either using a
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 04:26:00 EDT 2005 | Joris Groot koerkamp
For the lead free reflow process we tested with our Vitronics 500smr oven. To reach the high temperature of the lead free profile was no problem. We are not using an active cooling system so the pcb's are maby to hot wen the leaving the oven. Can an
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 04 04:29:51 EST 2002 | CH
U might need to run the board on a reflow pallet with a clamper. This will help to solve the warpage problem on the PCB and connector.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 28 22:35:32 EDT 2004 | davef
We can clean the blank out of LARGE BGA. [Cleaning small BGA is a whoooole nuther issue.] But before we get into that, what's the problem and its breadth? Why are you getting poor wetting? What's the story on the components, board, process materia
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 08:14:59 EDT 2004 | iqbal
Is anybody doing BGA soldering water clean solder. If yes how you are ensure cleaness. We have boards with Four BGA and 2000 chip and ICs.We are processing with no clean solder but we are getting bad wetting so now we are planning to switch to water
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 23:56:27 EDT 2002 | Abelardo Rodriguez
I'm trying to get a better understanding of the cooking process of pcb's. The use of nitrogen in reflow and wave ovens. Seems to have a wide margin of acceptance as a standard gas to prevent oxidation of metals in the board. Has any one heard or us
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 01:49:14 EDT 2000 | Joe
G'day, I am interested in hearing about the automatic lubrication of the chains in a reflow oven. The systems I have seem to work to a certain degree. They either lubricate too much, so we end up getting oil on the edges of the PCB, or not enough, w
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 07 10:07:02 EST 2019 | charliedci
Requesting help from anyone with experience in reflowing Te Connect, PN 1565917-4, 200 pin connecter. Pic attached. Cannot get all 200 pins to wet, main suspect is slight PCB warping during reflow. Have adjusted reflow profile. A 2.75 inch long SMT c
Products, services, training & consulting for the assembly, rework & repair of electronic assemblies. BGA process experts. Manufacturers Rep, Distributor & Service Provider for Seamark/Zhuomao and Shuttle Star BGA Rework Stations.
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