Electronics Forum: what is lifted lead (Page 1 of 11)

patchproblem lifted lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 11:51:54 EST 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi all, a lifted lead (FP 0,5mm pitch) with a wire soldered to it needs proper protection against tear off. What kind of coating is appropriate, should be dispensable and fast drying. Thanks in advance Wolfgang

Re: patchproblem lifted lead

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 01 06:05:33 EST 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Dave, yes messy, that�s the result of trying to use the newest chips available, getting the first shot (prototype chips) and building a couple of hundred boards and than detecting that the protos do not what they are supposed to do.As our market g

AOI-problems lifted lead on qfp-100

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 12:29:28 EDT 2010 | mikesewell

It is possible to infer that the lead is lifted based on the toe fillet appearance, but it's not as reliable as say a laser or xray inspection. This is usually done by varying the light source location and or color and looking at the images resultin

AOI-problems lifted lead on qfp-100

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 02 15:26:59 EDT 2010 | rway

Possible, but difficult. What algorithm programs are you referring to? Mirtec and YesTech both utilize algorithms in their respective software. The algorithm is simply a series of instructions to perform the inspection. In this case, rules-based,

AOI-problems lifted lead on qfp-100

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 14 02:27:54 EDT 2010 | patejl

Hello Pvasquez Well that is not a good news but it is what I thought. Lets see what will say our headquarters.Could you send me some more information or materials obout mirtec machines so I can present it to our company. Thanks

LED lifted soldering defect

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 04 12:42:04 EST 2019 | dunks

We currently use Kester's ep256 as well and it seems to be a bit more grainy than one would expect from lead, especially if the temperature is too low. That paste says it's specialty is being robust over a wide range of profiles and stencil conditio

Re: Detecting lifted leads on QFPs

Electronics Forum | Sun May 30 08:50:42 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Yes l know this problem keeps cropping up on the forum but l've missed some of the follow-ups. | | Our problem is that the lifting only occurs on 3% of production so actually detecting an improvement is difficult. We're actually having to inspect

Re: Detecting lifted leads on QFPs

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 16:30:39 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| Yes l know this problem keeps cropping up on the forum but l've missed some of the follow-ups. | | Our problem is that the lifting only occurs on 3% of production so actually detecting an improvement is difficult. We're actually having to inspect

what is the max print speed? thanks for your help

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 22:24:40 EDT 2007 | lvzhu

Dear Steve Thomas, you mean your print speed has reached 400 mm/s? i want to know what solderpaste you use, whether not contain lead or leadfree? thank you .

what is the different between ENIG and Immersion Au

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 12 02:08:47 EST 2006 | adeline_ko

Hi, What is the different between Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG) and Immersion Au. Are they refer to the same finishing? We has been using the Gold thickness (0.00005 - 0.00013mm) , nicket (0.0025mm) for all Gold finishing brd (Immersio

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