Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 07:33:01 EDT 1998 | smd
| | | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | | Q: Can you get away w
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 17:01:21 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | | | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | | | Q: Can you get
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 17 10:24:12 EDT 1998 | smd
| | | | | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | | | | Q: Can yo
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 19 14:24:06 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | | | | | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | | | | | Q:
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