Electronics Forum: white residue problems with ipa cleaning (Page 1 of 16)

white residue

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 19:42:34 EST 1999 | parag palshikar

i am working with the noclean process and getting white residues on the bottomside of the board probably due to the wave soldering flux.i am using a no-clean solder paste and a noclean wave solder flux.The boards passed the accelerated temperature a

White residue after cleaning with IPA

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 31 03:39:26 EST 2003 | NP

EC7M is clean up solvent that can help to prevent white residue problem. It made from Orange shield. Good luck

White residue after cleaning with IPA

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 25 20:17:40 EST 2003 | ramanandkini

We are soldering a 8 pin TTL chip on to a CEM1 board that has a hot air level soldering. We use no clean soler paste for the reflow process. Now the customer wants us to clean since he is afraid of flux attracting the dust. We have some SMT LEDs that

White residue after cleaning with IPA

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 03 11:17:55 EST 2003 | Randy Villeneuve

White residues are a common problem when cleaning no-clean fluxe residues. The white residue forms when the flux residue is partialy removed, etc. Alcohol should not be your only solution for cleaning. In general, solvents may attack some plastic par

Re: white residue

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 23:29:28 EST 1999 | parag palshikar

| | i am working with the noclean process and getting white residues on the bottomside of the board probably due to the | | wave soldering flux.i am using a no-clean solder paste and a noclean wave solder flux.The boards passed the accelerated tempe

Re: white residue

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 21:02:53 EST 1999 | Dave F

| i am working with the noclean process and getting white residues on the bottomside of the board probably due to the | wave soldering flux.i am using a no-clean solder paste and a noclean wave solder flux.The boards passed the accelerated temperatu

Re: white residue

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 08:58:10 EST 1999 | Peet

| | i am working with the noclean process and getting white residues on the bottomside of the board probably due to the | | wave soldering flux.i am using a no-clean solder paste and a noclean wave solder flux.The boards passed the accelerated tempe

Re: white residue

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 08:42:43 EST 1999 | Dave F

| i am working with the noclean process and getting white residues on the bottomside of the board probably due to the | wave soldering flux.i am using a no-clean solder paste and a noclean wave solder flux.The boards passed the accelerated temperatu

Re: white residue

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 29 05:14:06 EST 1999 | Graham Naisbitt

Hi guys, I really am at a loss to understand this one. It would appear that there may be some reaction between the flux and the resist? Or maybe you have an OSP on the board that is reacting during soldering? As a fast fix, maybe you should try a

Re: white residue

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 09:45:44 EST 1999 | parag

| | i am working with the noclean process and getting white residues on the bottomside of the board probably due to the | | wave soldering flux.i am using a no-clean solder paste and a noclean wave solder flux.The boards passed the accelerated tempe

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