Electronics Forum: windows password (Page 1 of 2)

Samsung CP45 program password

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 28 19:48:33 EDT 2009 | lgroves

Hi, The machine is a Samsung CP45FV-Neo. Is > there a way to set the level of control operators > have over a program? We'd like to have a program > which can't be changed, except by a technician. I > can't see any way of doing this with the mach

Samsung CP45 program password

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 03:48:57 EDT 2009 | geb

Hi, The machine is a Samsung CP45FV-Neo. Is there a way to set the level of control operators have over a program? We'd like to have a program which can't be changed, except by a technician. I can't see any way of doing this with the machine software

assembleon MG-1 software password reset

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 04 14:00:34 EDT 2024 | redspare1

I'm struggling to get a working pick and place machine. Does anyone know how to reset / remove the passwords from the software? The default service password "yamahaim" doesn't work. The Administrator passwords have also been changed from t

Siemens SIPLACE HF 3

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 04:41:40 EDT 2024 | suum

Need help. The Siemens SIPLACE HF 3 stack requires an administrator password on windows, if anyone knows or has any suggestions, write (I tried the standard ones)


Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 11:16:48 EDT 2024 | mirkospada

None, the control of the oven not require for me any password. But the productor (ASSCON) say me that teorically there is a password for access that must inserted on a windows on logon.

Drive Backups

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 16 14:06:49 EST 2024 | redspare1

You will need an old version of acronis. I think 2014 uses 512mb ram. Just move the machine drive to a newer computer that has an IDE slot. IDE can also do CF with an adapter. You're basically running an PC with nothing in it, just booting acronis,

Juki / Zevatech 730/740 - MS Parameters window

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 09:15:15 EDT 2018 | muzzy

Sarason, thank you very much for your reply. I already have this manual but, unfortunately, it only mentions this elusive "MS Parameters" window but doesn't state how to get there and what is the password. Regards, M.

Aqueous Technologies SMT800-LD Software Question

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 07 18:02:20 EST 2004 | Mike Konrad

Hi Steve, The Windows 98 version of the SMT800-LD software provides for two levels of password protection. One for general use (creating, editing, deleting programs), and the other for maintenance functions (individual device control, machine confi

ERSAsoft default user/password, or a manual?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 09 14:30:47 EDT 2023 | gwideman

I realize this request is an incredible longshot, but... Anybody happen to know the initial default username and password for ERSAsoft 2.1? We have a hard-working antique Hotflow 3, and decided to try setting up ERSAsoft for it. Comes on two floppi

Panasonic Panasert SPPV solder paste screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 21:18:29 EST 2014 | sonavc

Thanks, I don't have change to try the Password Now my machine boot up and get " BLUE SCREEN " I screw up my windows NT. Does any one know who till service this machine, reinstall the software and application. I'm in Southern California , CA 92708

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