Electronics Forum: wipe strip (Page 1 of 1)

Quad IVc pickup problem

Electronics Forum | Tue May 10 12:25:38 EDT 2011 | leemeyer

It does sound as if you may have an encoder problem. Have you cleaned the encoder glass ? A spec of grease or other matter on theis glass can cause problems. Be careful when cleaning because you do not want to break it. Clean the front of the encoder

Universal Advantis Y1 axis error code 10201

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 08 02:10:31 EDT 2023 | unsung

Wipe down and clean the 2 Gold strips on Y Axis and the encoder ( located on both sides of the machines covers must be removed ) Probably has dirt happen to someone who had an old universal 2007 that was sitting outside in the open air for a few day

Fuji CP643 maintenance, how long should it take?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 13:50:46 EDT 2011 | cyber_wolf

The time it takes to PM a CP643 is really dependent on how much you run the machine. If you are running 3 shifts obviously the machine will require more attention than one shift. You are probably not going to want to hear this, but it does take a su

Re: Cleaning procedures for Entek-Plus Cu-106A

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 20 17:56:42 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| | I am wondering if anyone has any info regarding solder paste misprint clean-up procedures for Entek Plus CU-106A PCB's utilizing a water-clean solder paste. In a implementation procedure they recommend a 2-3 minute wash cycle with the following

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 15:28:13 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

Listed below are the issues Viking has been experiencing since the installation of the Proflow Head: 1. After installing new 350mm Wiper foil with metal strip glued on it, It worked for about a week and suddenly metal stri

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 08:25:26 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall

Listed below are the issues Viking has been experiencing since the | installation of the Proflow Head: | 1. After installing new 350mm Wiper foil with metal | strip glued on it, It worked for about a week and suddenly meta

Solder Spotting on Gold

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 06 09:51:20 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis

This text may be of interest to any one with tin lead spots Guide to Solder Spots - A New Plague in Manufacture ? So what are solder spots ? They appear to be the next big problem in modern reflow assembly in fact in any process that involves solder


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