Electronics Forum: workflow (Page 1 of 2)

Re: No clean and f devices

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 12 10:20:53 EST 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

Now an than I hear, read about the same thing but without mentioning specific frequencies. It�s something that worries me in the back of my mind but not in actual daily workflow. Our boards go up to 50Mhz with digital bus systems and are made with no

Buying a new Reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 10:38:54 EDT 2020 | artyvesna

Thanks a million. We are quite restricted with available length for the oven (about 5meters/16.5ft).Throughput itself is not so much of a concern, it is ability to be precise with thermoprofiles together with some future proofing (extra capacity) tha

Re: SMT Chip terminal lifted

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 19 08:40:53 EST 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Erico, I think it�s just a naming problem. Under the topic of tombstone there are a lot of causes for different appearances of this symptom. Shouldn�t be always the errected position that occurs. In your case it seems that either the components so

Re: fine pitch on thick copper

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 12:50:27 EST 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Pascal, 0,65mm pitch normally isn�t much of a problem. With 90�m CU I don�t have any experience but would like to know what deviation from nominal value for the pads you get with different PCB-deliveries. In short, for the standard Cu=35�m we se

About the PCB gold finger contamination.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 02:45:33 EDT 2002 | bugsjoe

Thank you ur reply Dave. Let me explain our COB workflow: 1. unpack PCB (FR4,LPI,HASL)(the thickness of gold and nickel we can't be find)(No SMT before) 2. clean the pcb by rubber 3. blow the pcb by di-ionic gun 4. attach die by adhesive gel 5. cure

Info on MYDATA

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 18:29:40 EDT 2007 | grantp

Hi, I wondered that too, which is why I originally replied. However I think what's most important for me anyway, is I am so incredibly busy trying to keep up with the latest techniques in SMT and electronics, that I have no idea about these issues

gas to extend allowed print-to-place time?

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 06:34:29 EDT 2016 | spoiltforchoice

I'm going to ask the obvious question first. Why can't you place the entire job the same day you paste it? Getting a sensible workflow is a far better method of improving productivity than experimenting with crazy solutions. I can see a gas atmosphe

mydata electrical test results

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 08 22:30:05 EDT 2021 | vtdivtecs

So I am having a little trouble with my mydata MY19. its an older machine picked up used and its had its quirks. recently we tried to start adding electrical verification to our workflow, and had to disable it as we were getting intermittent bad pa

Adding new line

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 20 09:59:10 EDT 2013 | mainenetservices

Regarding the software part of this thread, one of our long time forum supporters has a product that also may be helpful - Rich Larue from Unisoft says, "It looks like ANTON99 is looking for is a BOM comparison across multiple assemblies to ID like

gas to extend allowed print-to-place time?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 12:28:03 EDT 2016 | adamjs

Why can't you place the entire job the same day you paste it? I can. But setting up and properly cleaning the stenciling machine takes 2-3 hours. We only run one shift. If we do that every day we're spending most the time on setup+teardown. Much

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