Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 08:35:11 EDT 2013 | rway
I don't know why we don't use them. We may have in the past. That would be a question for Purchasing. I will e-mail you privately and give you the Purchasing manager's contact information if you would like to get in touch with him.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 21:10:16 EDT 2007 | wailiang81
Yupe, if condition keep worst, most probably will re-allocate the PCB manufacturer.
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 12:21:44 EST 2000 | Finepitch Services
Doug, What I've done in past was calling them as 1206T.5, 1206T1.0, SOIC16, RESNET16, SOIC16T5.0, ALCAP4, ALCAP5 etc. T means thickness but for the ALCAP case 4 means 4mm diameter. If you have the time and patience, having a board and attaching a s
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 09:01:54 EST 2014 | emeto
You should get your paste in ice(dry ice). Then you should keep it in a fridge. Many pastes now have 1month shelf life(after you take it out of the fridge). If you follow all the above, you might be having: 1. Lot problem - try different lots of you
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 12:44:32 EST 2014 | cyber_wolf
Jigo, We have never had a need to do internal testing on solder paste, and your paste supplier should be able to tell you what the correct operating temperature range is. All of the big names in solder paste have tight quality control and I suspect t
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 15:10:09 EST 2013 | hegemon
Restoration of the fluxing properties? Can't see adding a liquid flux to a solder paste (assumed expired shelf life) in order to "restore" anything. If the volatiles in the original paste are gone, then adding more carriers and volatiles will not pr
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 30 13:26:33 EDT 2019 | stephendo
Very very few people in the world would have any reason or requirement to know anything about this print head pump. It is a specialized tool for manufacturing of electronics. It would be of no interest to anyone not directly involved with the manufac
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 04:40:18 EST 2005 | pavel_murtishev
Good day, First of all used solder paste should be placed in special container. It should be kept separately from �fresh� solder paste from the same jar. Limit paste usage period after opening the jar according to manufacturer�s specification. When
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 15 06:34:54 EST 2012 | sowmya
Normally paste manufacturer specifies stencil life of a paste is 10 hours. the question is, if i run a continuous manufacturing for 40 hours, we will be adding 250 g of paste for every two hours. The addition of 250 g will be mixed with the paste whi
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 06 17:02:40 EST 2003 | Kris
Try alpha fry technologies. http://www.frymetals.com/manufacturing/solder_reclain1.html