Electronics Forum: wrong part size of capacitor (Page 1 of 1)

Poka yoka tool for assembly of chip capacitors and resistros

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 08 11:38:52 EDT 2014 | spoiltforchoice

They key requirement before any fancy tools is careful storage, stock control, labeling and handling. If your parts are incorrect before they even get to production, you're screwed. As gregp suggests, to get consistently correct value and orientation

How to strengthen the ability of anti-interference in PCB design

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 03:58:39 EST 2014 | hhat

To get the best performance of electronic circuits, components and circuit board supports circuit components and devices in electronic products. Even if the circuit principle diagram design is correct, the printed circuit board is designed improperly

Re: Missalingment 0402 Capasitor by Vision on TCM1000

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 07:25:05 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | Hi, | | | | We are running 0402 component on the TCM1000 and we find that teher will be missalignment on 0402 Capositor. We have identified that the missalignment is caused by the wrong information from the vision system while doing vision cente

Re: Missalingment 0402 Capasitor by Vision on TCM1000

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 06:45:36 EDT 1999 | JAX

| Hi, | | We are running 0402 component on the TCM1000 and we find that teher will be missalignment on 0402 Capositor. We have identified that the missalignment is caused by the wrong information from the vision system while doing vision centering.


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