Electronics Forum: ws200 (Page 1 of 1)

Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 00:26:27 EST 2006 | manyhatz

Does anyone have experience with Multicore WS200? is it any good?

fine pitch printing

Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 13:48:37 EDT 2006 | dwelch123

I'm having trouble printing leads on a fine pitch part. The lead is only .008". I'm using a DEK 265 with metal squeegee and using WS200 multicore solder paste.The stencil is laser cut and polished. I've experimented with different pressures and diffe

Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 16 11:37:58 EST 2007 | hectorsmtnet

I have been using the Loctite Multicore WS200 with great results for the last two years. We also use the lead free version WS300. I like the flux chemistry (which is the same for both products); it really withstands long soaking times and with very g


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