Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 27 07:20:38 EST 2019 | dipak123
We have Mirtec MV-6 OMNI machine. If programer changes in part number ,then that part x-out from it's place.Value of X & Y incresed 10X compare to other parts in ATT.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 09:46:40 EDT 2016 | jbuckley
Put anything over one of the fiducials being used in the circuit, and run the board. It will stop, and on the top right a window will pop up. Click "Skip Current Module" and it will X-out that circuit. If you are using the fiducials on the rail, rath
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 04 02:21:40 EST 2012 | eadthem
Most PNP machines and AOI machines shuld have a X out feature. For us we use to use whiteout pens to mark the badsense spot. Now atm we use white lables, becuase there is no dry time. The lables have there own issues, They cause overpasteing issues
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 15:00:37 EDT 2002 | Claude_Couture
1: I use the fiducial mark as bad board mark. 2: First get the X sensor installed on the machine, then use method 1. 3: other methods: group boards according to which unit is X out. Then edit NC program to skip corresponding X out.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 18:34:33 EDT 2024 | ahernand75
Hello SMTnet, I would like to know from you guys your experiences of how the use of X-Out boards impact your units per hour on your lines. There are different scenarios where some of you might have only one lane reflow oven and others may have 2 lane
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 18 13:39:43 EDT 2013 | vpham
Please help, how do you skip x-out boards on a panel using Juki 2050 pnp machine?
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 16 02:44:03 EST 2012 | fadzril
Dear all, Have anyone deal with X-Out boards? These defects are declared if one cavity or more from multi cavity boards are defective. There have been a request to use these boards in order to reduce the multi cavity board spoilage at supplier. Ho
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 14:05:12 EDT 2002 | Bordiky
I've been reading the forum here for a few weeks and found some helpful material from talented individuals. Now, I have a question(s). I'm looking into different alternatives for doing X outs. Right now I'm familiar w/ two of them:1. Bad Board Mar
Electronics Forum | Tue May 18 14:48:15 EDT 2004 | Vinnie
I am not sure but I thought the black fiducial is used for X-out board/panel.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 11:24:55 EDT 2013 | markhoch
Thank you for your advice Eric. Different SMT Machine Platforms have different methods for handling these PCB Panels with bad circuits. (Commonly known as "X-outs"). Some platforms allow you to identify X-Outs simply by darkening in the first fid