Electronics Forum: x-ray inspection cost (Page 1 of 73)

X-RAY inspection

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 06:33:13 EDT 2020 | rontgen

This is Evan from Rontgen industries that's specialized in designing and building cost-effective X-ray and industrial CT inspection systems,anyone is interested in cooperating with us,please contact me email: chunjian.zhu@irontgen.com

Low cost BGA inspection?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 10:47:55 EDT 2001 | caldon

Glenbrook has a solution. I do not know what your definition of low cost is but Glenbrook offers an inspection solution an x-ray system and an endo scope (ersa scope type) for low cost. Contact Steve zweig at (973) 361-8866. They have some great soft

Low cost BGA inspection?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 07:06:18 EDT 2001 | gdstanton

I'm constantly being flooded with information by sales reps on x-ray and other types of equipment to inspect BGAs. Most of these items are simply beyond our capital budget constraints. I've witnessed dozens of demos, and to be honest, I really don'

Low cost BGA inspection?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 30 09:35:59 EDT 2001 | dmr

I have tried just about everything avalible for BGA inspection on the market. We use X-ray which is great, even through we have a 5-d machine, I use my 2-d unit most often. We also have the expensive scope that lets you look completely through under

X-ray inspection of BGAs

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 17:25:16 EDT 2002 | gzweig

Glenbrook Technologies has a publication in pdf format that addresses just those issues. You can get one, at no cost, by e-mailing gzweig@glenbrooktech.com and request "BGA Signature" publication.

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 02 22:27:14 EST 2005 | minimicro

I would look at the SMT Tools BGA-100 scope this is by far the most cost effective tool for the money. We use it in conjunction with our Glenbrook X-ray and get great results. Gary

BGA rework and inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu May 30 10:31:03 EDT 2002 | robbied

Hi Yannick. This is an issue that we are just recently getting into but here is some ifo that I have gathered so far. I have seen/ used 2 different rework machines. The one we have bought is a 'PACE TF2000' which was at the lower cost end of the mar

uBGA rework and X-Ray inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 13 18:28:01 EDT 2000 | Michael Parker

Hello - I am currently evaluating uBGA rework and X-Ray inspection solutions. I would like any advice/warnings etc. regarding suppliers and equipment. I have already researched through the threads in this forum and have created a list of recommended

X-Ray inspection machine purchase guide

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 17:40:20 EDT 2020 | cyber_wolf

Things to consider: Tube type : sealed or open ? open tubes require more maintenance. Customer base: How many machines are in your region. Ask for several references. Support: Ask them how many service engineers are local. Maintenance cost : Cali

BGA inspection scope - Visual

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 12 11:12:08 EDT 2003 | babe

The last statement saying that seeing down the bga component with these systems is useless, is an incorrect statement. First with x-ray you do not see flux residue and or flux migration, second with x-ray you do not see a cold solder joint. Visual i

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