Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 30 09:35:59 EDT 2001 | dmr
I have tried just about everything avalible for BGA inspection on the market. We use X-ray which is great, even through we have a 5-d machine, I use my 2-d unit most often. We also have the expensive scope that lets you look completely through under
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 10:17:15 EDT 2009 | grantp
Hi, You don't need X-ray and all that crap. I would get an old MYDATA TP9 or something like that, and a manual stencil printer and a batch oven or a small inline oven. Should do the trick and be very low cost. Should be simple to use as well. Tha
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 17:36:44 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist
You are looking for a complete SMT assembly line plus possible X-Ray inspection and rework equipment. The 3 components of the SMT line are stencil printer, pick-n-place machine and reflow oven. How small are your components? 0603? 0402? What is the
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 10 15:15:17 EDT 2009 | indity
I have very little knowledge of pick and place machines or assembly, and was hoping someone could give me some advice of where to start looking. I do learn quickly so I am not afraid of challenges or learning through mistakes. I need to produce abou
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 27 03:40:44 EDT 2011 | samsim
Other areas you can focus 1) Find out alternative chemical and solder materials for lower cost. 2) Set high power consumption machine (such as Oven and wave) to idle mode when not running to cut electrical consumption. 3) Reduce the used of N2 gas.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 10:47:55 EDT 2001 | caldon
Glenbrook has a solution. I do not know what your definition of low cost is but Glenbrook offers an inspection solution an x-ray system and an endo scope (ersa scope type) for low cost. Contact Steve zweig at (973) 361-8866. They have some great soft
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 07:06:18 EDT 2001 | gdstanton
I'm constantly being flooded with information by sales reps on x-ray and other types of equipment to inspect BGAs. Most of these items are simply beyond our capital budget constraints. I've witnessed dozens of demos, and to be honest, I really don'
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 23 05:49:33 EDT 2005 | ajaydoshi
In India their no installation for this machine, I also want to see this machine. Specifications looks very good. Last week only while searhing on net I got info for this machine. check with supplier. ajay
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 20 21:08:27 EST 2011 | Jacki
Is ur smt machine not able to pick 0402 componets? We use Yamaha SMT for 0603,0805,ect. We just change nozzle and feeder in the same machine when 0402 is needed to mount. by the way, we use not only new machine but 2nd hand also. there is a few sma
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 21 08:47:47 EDT 2005 | Rob
Thanks Olas, I have some experience with these machines - not too impressed with the feeders though, but I will take another look. Hi VickT, Thanks, but no thanks, the Advantis is not what I am looking for - it is neither small, nor a low cost pro